10 Diets that just don't work... like to article

Jenners Posts: 30 Member
Hey all,

I thought about posting this to individual groups of people talking about different diets, but didn't want to be one of "those people". I did feel like I had to post this for those of you who have, like me, tried a lot of different diets, and always ended up going off of them and beating myself up about it.



  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member

    Thanks for the posting. I guess I am one of those folks that has a strong opinion on what is a good diet. The more I learn about dieting, the more convinced that to fight against what our body wants, is just not practical.

    Our body needs carbs, so eat good carbs! Exercise because we need the cardio! Limit your fat intake to the essential fats! As adults, we don't need a ton of protein, eat what is required from your body (this takes some education I have to admit).

    When I first came on mfp, I said some things that were then refuted and taken out of context. I guess this is why I now am against a high protein/high fat low carb diet since it is not sustainable and can lead to damage (in many ways).

    When people ask about how effective a high protein/low carb diet is, they don't receive all the perspectives and that can lead to further problems.

    The fact that people want to lose weight, is a great and noble achievement (self improvement should never be looked down upon), what I would like to see is support so we can be happy, healthy and not overweight.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    LOVE it!!! I am proof after 110 pounds that you don't have to do one of these crazy limitation diets. I HATE hearing someone say, "I'm going on X diet AGAIN." Well, if you have to "go on" the diet and can "fall off" the diet, it probably isn't something you can maintain your entire life. Seriously, people. This IS a lifestyle change, not just dropping some weight.

    And because some might ask how I lost my weight, I will just go ahead and post it now.

    First of all, while I didn't count calories in the beginning, I did at other numbers...fruits/veggies servings, water ounces, minutes of exercise, "cheats," etc. I journaled everything I put in my mouth and eventually did post it online. I didn't want others to see me eating poorly, so I tried not to eat that "bad" stuff often (which is why I think having a public food journal on here is kind of important). I upped my water ounces to an average of 96/day, I aimed for at least 5 servings of fruits/veggies daily, I limited carbs (empty carbs, that is, and went for whole grains, not just eliminating all carbs), I choose lean meats, lowfat dairies, and add more healthful options to my menus. I added in more beans, different whole grains, veggies and fruits I hadn't really ever tried, and I LOVE taking a recipe and making it healthier/more beneficial.

    Basically, I eat pretty "cleanly," and I try to think about how the food I put into my body is going to affect my body. If I have too many "off days" or cheats, I can definitely tell. I crave healthy foods.

    Hope this helps someone! :smile:

    (By the way, if you do try to look at my food dairy, and it's blank right now, I am recovering from sinus surgery, and I can't eat much now or exercise, hence a journal not being posted right now.)
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member