any juicers?



  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    This may sound really gross, but I take the pulp and mix it in my yogurt. Double duty!!

    On another thread, I read where someone puts the pulp in spaghetti sauce.

    You can also find recipes on the Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead facebook page.
  • koizumi6
    koizumi6 Posts: 274 Member
    i think my dogs will like the pulp lol
  • rubyredlips
    I dont think you can add it as a whole fruit as your not eating all of it ,you need so much fruit/veg to f=get a decent amoun t,never used mine for ages now .
  • SpectacuLaura
    SpectacuLaura Posts: 144 Member
    I love juicing! I got started on it after reading "Crazy Sexy Diet" and doing the 21 day adventure cleanse. I felt amazing and I really give a lot of credit to the juicing every morning. There are some great recipes in that book, but I recommend just playing around with what you have and what you like. I throw just about anything in there to get a well-stocked green juice. Just go easy on the fruit and load it up with great juicy green veggies. Oh, and adding in some coconut water as a general mixer worked awesome for me- gives it a nice refreshing kick. :)
  • jdelaney24
    I put a plastic grocery bag in the container where the waste goes. One less thing to clean!
  • 3ball
    3ball Posts: 338
    I've never juiced, but am interested. Thus the reason for my search and ultimate landing in this thread. I am not a fan of veggies. lol What are some good starts for me? What is a good juicer to get?
  • scubacat
    scubacat Posts: 346 Member
    To 3ball

    I have Jack Lalannes juicer and I love it. Even though you don't like veggies, you would probably be surprised that the taste is really not as bad as you might think. I usually add one type of fruit (dont want to overdo carbs and cals) you taste the fruit more than anything and the rest you get used to. I would have a juice in the morning and feel so energized throughout the day that I wouldn't even drink coffee. I generally just throw in whatever I have on hand, but common staples are spinach, zucchini, bell peppers, carrots, celery, beets, lemon, wheat grass. To sweeten, I generally just choose a single fruit such as apple, orange, pineapple, pomegranate.