The last 6 pounds

I am really struggling getting the last few pounds off. It's taken me three weeks to lose 1 pound even though I am watching the intake and doing my fat burning classes most days. I know I should be chuffed that I've lost 9 stone (141 lb) but I really want to get to my target. Any advice for thouse final few pounds? Ta sx


  • MiNiMoNkI
    MiNiMoNkI Posts: 447 Member
    Add a few extra cals, mix up your excercise, have some rest days. When i struggled with the last 4llbs, i stopped excercising for a week and just syaed within my cals, the following week i went up from 1200 to 1400 cals and completely changed my excercise routine. Drink loads of water and most of all dont be disheartened. Very well done on your loss. Good luck, you can do this
  • SarahLovesCheesecake
    Take your time. Im in the same boat with about 5lbs left....still coming off slow and burning much fewer calories which is frustrating when I see bigger friends burning more for the equivalent. You are fitter and slimmer than ever before - be patient...
  • maemiller
    maemiller Posts: 439 Member
    My trainer/nutritionist at the gym told me to increase the intensity of my workouts by mixing up my routines in both weight training and running, # of workouts per week( have to put in 1/2-1 hr per day), keep my sodium below 2300 mg per day and lots and lots of water. Im keeping my calories steady @ 1400 which is about .5lb per week. The last few lbs are the hardest, but you can do it. Ive lost 8 lbs and ive got 5 more to go after a 3 yr plateau.