Goal Reward?

trishtrish84 Posts: 237 Member
edited September 29 in Health and Weight Loss
I was just wondering. What was or will be the first thing you reward yourself with after you have reached your end goal?

Personally, I will have to say new clothes. As is right now I hate shopping for clothes because I can never find anything in my size that I like or that fits correctly. It will be refreshing to be able to waltz into any store and pick out cute clothes that fit comfortably and make me look sexical... and yes Sexical is a word!


  • samieg74
    samieg74 Posts: 2
    yeah I agree, right now I can't get some items because I look just dreadfull in them
  • my first goal is to reach 170 by a wedding on labor day weekend (30lb lost since my baby) my treat to myself is going to be the dress im buying, my nails and my hair done for the wedding. I AM going to reach that goal lol because i have to get these things. Id say the ultimate reward though would be how i look in the mirror in the dress compared to the 200lb me wouldve looked in the mirror trying on the dress.
  • MiNiMoNkI
    MiNiMoNkI Posts: 447 Member
    Well, ive tried to buy new clothes, usually online, ebay etc...im too scared to order what size i actually am, (6) and keep buying 8's and theyre too big, its really hard to get your head around the fact your body has changed so much! i have dyed my hair blonde and im looking forward to a new bikini!

    Ps i also treated myself to a Macdonals, which i muct say ws the biggest anti climax ever :-/
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    I've still got all my old clothes as my weight piled on very fast so wont be needing clothes (I tend to wear classic not fashion) so I have to have a think about my ultimate goal reward.....hmmmmm...my hair has been the same for year... coming on 2 decades...maybe a totally different hair style to complete the transformation
  • end goal.. i didnt realize it said that lol. will honestly be a bikini for nex year and some cute summer clothes. i hope to reach it in spring-early summer a total of 52 lbs lost
  • Shepink
    Shepink Posts: 39 Member
    Clothes would be a fantastic reward to show off the sexical you and will you feel so mcuh better when you start selecting a size that you hadn't worn before or used to wear. Thrift store or consignment shop clothes would be ideal for the transition weight loss and be motivation for losing more!
  • mmiiaa
    mmiiaa Posts: 171 Member
    New clothes is definitely my main reward. I've literally got a savings account just for this purpose.

    Another reward of mine is a tattoo.
  • timidury
    timidury Posts: 23
    I'm trying to lose all my baby weight, so my goal will be putting on my old jeans!!! :)

    I think my ultimate reward will be a really nice dinner out and allow myself to eat all my "forbidden" foods... And maybe a new bikini or two :)
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    I always say that when I lost those last 4lbs I'll get all my hair cut off !!! A nice sleek bob to suit my new sleek figure...

    Not sure I will though as I quite like my long hair!

    I'll also need some new clothes.... I have had to buy some already as my trousers literally would not stay up!
  • MissWait
    MissWait Posts: 160
    I'm going to treat my self with...New clothes...and jewellery...Haircut and colour...Then I'll surely be broke lol

    My ultimate reward is that we are going to start trying for a baby :bigsmile:
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I'm more interested in being able to go into a place like Goodwill or Value Village and find pants in my size. I'm a bit more picky about my t-shirts >_> I have way too many of those, and I'll probably keep them until they're falling off. Now that I think about it, though, I'll probably buy some of my favorites in a smaller size (of the ones I can buy). Of the ones I can't, I'll probably make them into a quilt or frame them. Maybe finding someone to do that will be my reward.
  • homeport51
    homeport51 Posts: 198 Member
    I put away $5 for every pound I lose. My reward has nothing to do with food or size though... I am a crafter and there is a paper cutter I have lusted after for years. They are made one at a time and I had been on a waiting list for 3 years. When my turn came, I didn't have the money ($400). So... my reward will be the paper cutter. 80 lbs.=Genesis Trimmer. That will be before I hit my goal weight, so I will have to think of something else for the ultimate goal.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    make me look sexical... and yes Sexical is a word!

    umm really? lol. Love it. when I get to 50pounds, I'm going to buy myself some nice expensive hoop earrings. other than that i reward myself all the time with fitness things like the HRM I bought yesterday, and other little things.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    I think big. My end reward is a Mini Cooper! Yellow or blue, with stripes!
  • alisha17m
    alisha17m Posts: 73 Member
    I'm rewarding myself with a Pandora charm for my bracelet every 5kg (11lb) I loose (I should have my first one next week! yay!) I used to reward myself with chocolate... When I get halfway I am rewarding myself with some spa treatments and when I lose 50kg (110lb) I will buy myself a whole new wardrobe and have a professional pin-up style photo shoot done!
  • Nikki_is_Knotty
    Nikki_is_Knotty Posts: 248 Member
    New clothes is a given, and a new tattoo!!
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