Discouraged - Unknown Weight Gain

I have been doing really well with my journey. But suddenly, this week, I have gained 0.8 lbs. I know that this isn't a lot, but my the discouraging thing is... I have no idea why it happened. I have not gone over my alotted daily calories (1200). I eat back my exercise calories as my caloric limit is low. I exercise at least 5 days a week. I have been doing this for 10 weeks and I have lost, and lost. Suddenly I am gaining?

I weighed in last week at 181 lbs (I am 5'9"). The very next day I was back up to 182.8 and for the rest of the week it has been a really slow decline back to 181 lbs. I saw 181 lbs yesterday morning on the scale, but today it is back up to 181.8 lbs.

I realized earlier this week (weigh ins are Wednesday so this was Friday) that I was consuming too much sodium, so I cut it down and starting guzzling 8 cups a day of water.

What's going on here? And how can I get over it and not take it so darn personally... This has really thrown a wrench in my works. I could understand if I had slacked off or something... but I haven't...


  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 583 Member
    i really would ignore any fluctuations less than a few lbs.

    1 pint of water = 1lbs on the scales
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    I have been doing really well with my journey. But suddenly, this week, I have gained 0.8 lbs. I know that this isn't a lot, but my the discouraging thing is... I have no idea why it happened. I have not gone over my alotted daily calories (1200). I eat back my exercise calories as my caloric limit is low. I exercise at least 5 days a week. I have been doing this for 10 weeks and I have lost, and lost. Suddenly I am gaining?

    I weighed in last week at 181 lbs (I am 5'9"). The very next day I was back up to 182.8 and for the rest of the week it has been a really slow decline back to 181 lbs. I saw 181 lbs yesterday morning on the scale, but today it is back up to 181.8 lbs.

    I realized earlier this week (weigh ins are Wednesday so this was Friday) that I was consuming too much sodium, so I cut it down and starting guzzling 8 cups a day of water.

    What's going on here? And how can I get over it and not take it so darn personally... This has really thrown a wrench in my works. I could understand if I had slacked off or something... but I haven't...
    Don't weigh daily. It seems that you live and die by the scale and if that's the case then daily weighing will dictate how your day turns out. I would recommend only weighing once a week at the same time each week.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Hard to tell without being able to see your diary. Processed carbs can also cause bloat.

    Also, try not to weigh every day as your body will naturally fluctuate. Once a week is plenty.

    also, what are your settings? When I first started I was set at sedentary because of my job (which had me at 1200)- but when I re-read the instructions, because I was working out 3-4x per week for 60 minutes, I should actually have been set at active. Once I re-set it (putting me at 1420) and ate all my exercise calories back, I started to drop.
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    Good for you for catching the sodim intake issue! I'd hazard a bet that you'll show a loss on your next weigh-in if you watch your sodium and water this week. I was up 2lbs on my last weigh-in and I'm almost positive it's due to sodium.
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    Do not count daily fluctuations. Only once a week should be taken to heart. 8 cups of water is the minimum you should be drinking. If you have a diet high in sodium you should be drinking much more. If you consumed a high sodium meal(s) then it will take days for you to flush the excess water out of your system (by drinking extra water). Also, girl time adds water weight.
  • NaomiLyn15
    NaomiLyn15 Posts: 388 Member
    Don't let this get you down. You are probably gaining muscle while you work out and muscle burns more than fat. I would suggest to measure yourself and track your inches lost most closely than the actual pounds. For a while you are going to put a little bit of weight on while the muscle you are building is burning the fat. But, when all is said and done, you will weigh less, and your muscles will be toned. Don't get discouraged. I lost 30 pounds last year, and had the same problem after about 6 weeks, but by week 8 or so, I was losing weight again. So, just stick with it!
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    Hard to tell without being able to see your diary. Processed carbs can also cause bloat.

    Also, try not to weigh every day as your body will naturally fluctuate. Once a week is plenty.

    also, what are your settings? When I first started I was set at sedentary because of my job (which had me at 1200)- but when I re-read the instructions, because I was working out 3-4x per week for 60 minutes, I should actually have been set at active. Once I re-set it (putting me at 1420) and ate all my exercise calories back, I started to drop.

    I haven't had any issues with processed carbs either.

    I am set as sedantary, and then I log all of my exercise. My job is mostly sedentary.
  • wendyannie1976
    wendyannie1976 Posts: 205 Member
    the body fluctuates on a daily basis for numerous reasons less then 2lbs should not cause great concern and is likley not linked to what you are doing, good to watch the sodium and increase the water though. I had a 6lb gain over two days for no reason - for it to be actual I'd have to have eaten an additional 21,000 calories - just over a week later and its gone again, the body is always self regulating and balancing and it will fluctuate - I know its discouraging but it means the bodys doing what it should so carry on with the good work and you will see the results
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    I have been doing really well with my journey. But suddenly, this week, I have gained 0.8 lbs. I know that this isn't a lot, but my the discouraging thing is... I have no idea why it happened. I have not gone over my alotted daily calories (1200). I eat back my exercise calories as my caloric limit is low. I exercise at least 5 days a week. I have been doing this for 10 weeks and I have lost, and lost. Suddenly I am gaining?

    I weighed in last week at 181 lbs (I am 5'9"). The very next day I was back up to 182.8 and for the rest of the week it has been a really slow decline back to 181 lbs. I saw 181 lbs yesterday morning on the scale, but today it is back up to 181.8 lbs.

    I realized earlier this week (weigh ins are Wednesday so this was Friday) that I was consuming too much sodium, so I cut it down and starting guzzling 8 cups a day of water.

    What's going on here? And how can I get over it and not take it so darn personally... This has really thrown a wrench in my works. I could understand if I had slacked off or something... but I haven't...
    Don't weigh daily. It seems that you live and die by the scale and if that's the case then daily weighing will dictate how your day turns out. I would recommend only weighing once a week at the same time each week.

    I like to know where I am at (and I keep in mind fluctuations). I don't know if I could just weigh in once... But what is strange, is why I would jump up right away from my weigh in last wednesday and then fight the whole week just to get it back to last weeks weight.

    Edited to Add: I appologize for incoherancy, I apparently can't think and type at the same time in the morning hours. Anyone know the liklihood of this being related to stress?? We have had a lot of issues with planning the wedding this week and the inlaws have been monsters, on top of that, we had an "emergancy family meeting" to deal with family issues AND a good friend walked away from our friendship.
  • Gay11nell
    Gay11nell Posts: 166 Member
    I think everyone in the MFP family goes through this. Sometime its the sodium like you stated, sometimes we need to change up our workout routine,-maybe its not challenging for your body like it use to be. Switching up my routine really helps when I knw am been eating right.
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Weight fluctuates normally by upto 2 pounds during the course of a single day. This includes bowel and kidney functions, respiration functions etc.

    Additional considerations include sodium levels, processed carbs, exercise recovery,TOM (for you ladies) etc. Personally I can see the scale jump by a pound or two if my sodium is up or if I have had a particularly hard workout as my body tends to grab extra fluids to help out.

    Make sure you are consuming your water and you will likely see it drop (note 8 cups (64 ounces) may not be sufficient for everyone). One of the recommendations I have heard (and usually follow) is to drink one ounce of water for every two pounds of weight (i.e. if you are 200 pounds, you should drink 100 ounces of water per day. I usually include crystal light and clear tea into this number...)

    Hope that helps! Don't sweat it! ( Well ok... yes go ahead and sweat it off! :wink: )
  • QueenT24
    QueenT24 Posts: 15
    Have you been doing to same workouts for the last 10 weeks? If so, you probably just need to change it up and if you are doing weight training, decrease the weight and do higher reps.
  • bassettpig
    bassettpig Posts: 79 Member
    I weigh daily but then I average my daily weights for the week and come up w/a weekly number. THAT is the one I really pay attention to. Even so, weight loss is not linear and your body is not a machine. You will have variations and that's OK. Especially if you are female, you will have variations--that's just the way it is.

    Try to keep your weight in perspective. Yes, it's important that you keep doing the right things and making progress, but it's certainly not the ONLY thing in your life. Do what you need to do and trust that things will turn out right if you are doing the work. Relax.
  • Riebop
    Riebop Posts: 275
    I have been doing really well with my journey. But suddenly, this week, I have gained 0.8 lbs. I know that this isn't a lot, but my the discouraging thing is... I have no idea why it happened. I have not gone over my alotted daily calories (1200). I eat back my exercise calories as my caloric limit is low. I exercise at least 5 days a week. I have been doing this for 10 weeks and I have lost, and lost. Suddenly I am gaining?

    You're right.. It's not alot. The only time you should be concerned is if you're gaining for numerous consecutive weeks. It's probably just your body's natural fluctuation. I have my official weigh in day on Friday, and generally take a mid-week sneaky peek. However, the only weigh in that really counts is that Friday one.
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    1st, do not weigh yourself every day! Pick 1 day per week, and do it the exact same time of the day, wearing the exact same thing. Weighing daily, is silly. You don't gain/lose weight in 24 hours, all you do is hold water, maybe need to have a BM, it could be related to heat, salt intake, and time of the month!

    2nd, You're doing great with your weight loss! You should feel so proud of what you've accomplished already. Don't let this get you down. Our bodies fluctuate from hour to hour, so obsessing about the scale number every day will really bring you down. Keep the big picture in mind, you've changed your eating habits and activity levels for the better. You're getting healthier and creating a lifestyle for yourself that will be forever! Today is just one day in a lifetime of healthy living. And 0.8 pounds could just be a nice poo! HA!
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    I am going to go out on a limb and wonder if perhaps you should increase your calorie intake.

    Maybe wait and see if you stay within a pound of your current weight for another week at 1200. Then *try* increasing to 1300 and keep exercising. See what happens.

    Either way, good luck, from one 5'9" lady to another :)

    Edit: On second thought, I would even try increasing it today or tomorrow. This has worked so many times for me that I have a strong feeling it might help you.
  • RaeannePemberton
    RaeannePemberton Posts: 382 Member
    it is SO hard, but we really need to remove the focus from the scale... ask yourself the following:

    1. how do you feel? energetic? sluggish?
    2. how do your clothes fit?
    3. have you been spending time being active?
    4. have you been eating nutritious foods?
    5. are you getting stronger?
    6. are you better than you are today vs. a month ago???

    these are often much better things to guage your success by... weight is so sensitive to many factors, i could easily gain 5lbs from salt ALONE. not to mention digestion regularity, bloat, swollen muscles, etc.

    Hang in there!!! you might also measure.... but i don't even do that... i spend more time with the above questions.... you are doing great, think BIG PICTURE and that 0.8 matters NOT AT ALL in 5 years when you are fit and happy. :-) stay the course.
  • RaeannePemberton
    RaeannePemberton Posts: 382 Member
    PS. just my two cents, but at 181, you MUST eat more. 1200 is WAYYYYY too few cals even if you eat back... that is such a low net your body is probably holding on to EVERYTHING.

    i am 145 and i net 1500 and still have losses....even with eating back cals. so, for what it's worth... i would say you could easily get by with 1500-1800 range and still see losses.
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    I have been pondering a calorie increase for a while. It's probably the scariest thing ever. I have this deep seeded fear that it will mean more gaining... it just doesn't seem logical that you would need MORE calories to LOSE weight. I just don't get it. But if I think back to my earlier weeks, I had my limit set at 1500 cals, and I was losing 2 lbs a week. I wasn't sure if that was water weight, or the first 10 lbs being easy because... they were the first ten pounds... but ya... there was definitely a difference.

    Is there something I should be reading up on relating to upping calories to lose weight? I know that I am not in starvation mode, I am rarely hungry... Again, serious anxiety with me and this topic.

    As for these questions?

    1. how do you feel? energetic? sluggish?
    I used to feel energetic... but lately I have been sluggish. I chalked it up to stress.

    2. how do your clothes fit?
    Better than 10 weeks ago! I even had someone say that my work pants look like they are falling off of me. Still not down a size though.

    3. have you been spending time being active?
    Yes. 5 days a week. But I need to do more strength training. That was mostly cardio... have to find some free weights.

    4. have you been eating nutritious foods?
    Yes. Much more veggies than fruit though, and much fewer carbs. I am eating more protien than I used to, but could use even more. I am on a multi-vitamin. Actually... looking back... there was a lot of popcorn in there this week. lol

    5. are you getting stronger?
    I guess it's hard for me to tell since my work out routines change so much. I feel like I have more strength when training my horse, so I guess so.

    6. are you better than you are today vs. a month ago???

    I guess I need to take this all in stride...
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    1. how do you feel? energetic? sluggish?
    I used to feel energetic... but lately I have been sluggish. I chalked it up to stress.

    Stress has a huge impact on your journey too. It has real phsyical consequences in our bodies.

    Maybe look into yoga, or some other type of relaxing activity?

    4. have you been eating nutritious foods?
    Yes. Much more veggies than fruit though, and much fewer carbs. I am eating more protien than I used to, but could use even more. I am on a multi-vitamin. Actually... looking back... there was a lot of popcorn in there this week. lol

    Popcorn can be the culprit! Lots of fiber and carbs that maybe your body isn't used to. Plus it can make you constipated. So yeah....0.8 lbs.