Working out while sore?

Does anyone have any advice on this?

I started Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred yesterday and absolutely could not believe the intensity. But I made it though and now today I am SO incredibly sore. The programs says you're supposed to do it everyday and it's only 20 minutes long.

Today though my legs, abs, chest, glutes and arms are SO SORE.

I want to do the workout again today, but I am not sure whether or not it will harm me futhers or if I keep it lighter than yesterday if it may actually help by getting the muscles moving again?

If anyone has some advice, it would be much appreciated. Thanks!

- Vanessa


  • Vanessa414
    Does anyone have any advice on this?

    I started Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred yesterday and absolutely could not believe the intensity. But I made it though and now today I am SO incredibly sore. The programs says you're supposed to do it everyday and it's only 20 minutes long.

    Today though my legs, abs, chest, glutes and arms are SO SORE.

    I want to do the workout again today, but I am not sure whether or not it will harm me futhers or if I keep it lighter than yesterday if it may actually help by getting the muscles moving again?

    If anyone has some advice, it would be much appreciated. Thanks!

    - Vanessa
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    My only advice is STRETCH! Stretch really good before you start & after you finish. I'm not familiar with the shred program so I'm not in any position to tell you to power through or not. I was really sore after starting turbo jam & just stretched a lot & a couple days in, I wasn't so sore any more. That's just my 2 cents, though. Good luck!
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I love the 30day shred it gives you a workout that is for sure. I have been doing since Oct. 1st. I don't do it everyday however. I do it everyother day. to give my body a break. So i would skip today and if you are feeling better tomorrow do it again tomorrow. I feel your pain. I have been there. I know.
  • tresa1234
    tresa1234 Posts: 796 Member
    One of the experts around here could probably answer this better than I can, but from what I understand, soreness on the next day is from the tiny tears in your muscle fibers (which heal and that is how your muscles get stronger/grow). So it seems like if you are super-sore the day after a workout, a day off to let those little tears in your muscle fibers heal would be important to the whole process of gaining strength and muscle tone.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I have the Slim and Limber 20 min workout.

    I never used it until one day I was super sore. I popped it in cuz my BFF told me to, but I was thinking NOTHING would help.

    By the time I was through I felt 100% better, and 15 minutes later my soreness was gone.

    If you dont have a stretch video, go to Youtube, they have everything-for free!!
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    Does anyone have any advice on this?

    I started Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred yesterday and absolutely could not believe the intensity. But I made it though and now today I am SO incredibly sore. The programs says you're supposed to do it everyday and it's only 20 minutes long.

    Today though my legs, abs, chest, glutes and arms are SO SORE.

    I want to do the workout again today, but I am not sure whether or not it will harm me futhers or if I keep it lighter than yesterday if it may actually help by getting the muscles moving again?

    If anyone has some advice, it would be much appreciated. Thanks!

    - Vanessa

    Yeah your gonna be sore when you start your workout again today but during your workout the soreness with lessen just make sure you stretch very well afterwards your gonna be sore your putting your muscles through an intense workout- that was me this week I worked out Monday through friday and OMG i was dyin in pain but as the days passed the pain wasnt so bad the first 2 days were the worse though then it got easier and easier to deal with the soreness-- Dont stop working out just stretch alot of people are gung ho about working out then they get sore and they stop you have to push through it you will feel better- If its really bad take some tylenol or aleve but you will be fine-- and get a good stretch I had my husband stretch my legs cause they were so sore and its easier for someone else to stretch you cause you will stop when it starts to get tight or hurt where as someone else will push you just a little further-- Just remember if you dont feel sore its not working or your not working hard enough. Good luck and keep up the good work I love Jillian I would like to get one of her dvds
  • AshleySeay
    AshleySeay Posts: 31 Member
    So when you workout hard, you tear your muscles, literally. Let me paint a picture for you...

    A tornado comes through and destroys a town. The townspeople know its ok cuz they're gonna build it back better than it was before and they can do it quick. But the very next day while they're working, another tornado comes and destroys all their work, so no progress was made. They keep trying to rebuild, but that damn tornado keeps coming everyday and tearing down what they are trying so hard to rebuild.

    The town is your muscle, the townspeople are your white blood cells, proteins and carbs, and the tornado is you working out. You have to heel. The problem with programs like that is they give no recovery time. Most people work different muscle groups out everyday so when one is sore, you just work something else. Stretch alot and if you insist on doing this workout everyday, lower the weight you are doing. Working out again will be painful but when your done it will feel better.
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    Number one - warm up for a few minutes then stretch.
    2) if you're really, really sore, take some tylenol or ibuprofen to help you loosen up, so it will feel better when you warm up and stretch.
    3) drink lots to make sure you're well hydrated
    4) exercise lightly. It may seem counter-intuitive, but if you are really sore after exercise, a 'recovery work-out' will bring more blood circulation to your aching muscles and speeds the healing of all those torn muscle fibers. Follow your workout with a good stretch.
    5)did I mention warm up and stretch? :smile:
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    Hmmm, not too sure abotu doing it every day straight away, I'd try every other day and work your way to daily - with new exercise, you need to give your muscles a rest between times, to recover from the strain.
    Hope this helps :flowerforyou:
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    just remember that jillian is a trainer and most workouts even taebo is 3 on 1 off 2 more on 1 off or 3 on 1 off 4 back on- The people on biggest loser workout every single day for 4-6 hours a day-- Its okay to workout like that just make sure you give your body at least 1 rest day--

    I worked out M-F this week and my days off are Sat and Sun- my weekends are my relax days so that includes workouts but M-F its time for life/work/and exercise-

    Good luck if you must just slow it up a bit
  • Periphria
    Periphria Posts: 358
    Evryone has pretty much covered all that I have to say except one thing.

    Eat lots of protien. Protien is what helps to rebuild those muscles.

    Drink tons of water helps to flush out unwanted thing (lactic acid etc)

    Stretch - before and after your workout.

    You will make it through.

    I know it!!!!!:happy: :wink: :happy: :wink: :happy: :wink: :happy:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I just read that most people do not stretch correctly. This may be why I was sore, then when I did the 20 min dvd I was ok.

    Breathing during the stretching mode, and holding the stretch for 30 seconds, are imparative to helping the muscles heal. I didnt know this and was bouncing my way through all my stretches, and then not breathing. Deep breathing into the muscle.

    Ok so this is what I read, and what I experienced, but I dont have the medical stuff to explain why and how!! lol. just sharing!:flowerforyou:
  • psyknife
    psyknife Posts: 487 Member
    You should take at least 1 rest day per week... our bodies need rest in order to rebuild and recooperate.