High Protein, Low Fat...NEed suggestions

My title says it all. I'm running around with two little ones and i've been able to stay under my calories but i'm noticing that my protein is low and my fat is too high.

Thanks for any help.


  • Babbe
    Babbe Posts: 143 Member
    I have the same problem
  • knowwhentoshutup
    knowwhentoshutup Posts: 318 Member
    For a protein boost I eat:

    Beans (any and all - I really like northern beans and black beans in salads)
    Peanut Butter (with celery and carrots or apples)
    Turkey Lettuce wraps (sara lee turkey wrapped in romaine lettuce with a little bit of deli mustard)

    Hope this helps.
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    can you open your diary so we can have a look at what you might be doing to go over your fat?
  • princessekrystale
    I say go for the lean meats and meats in general ... Keep the fattier foods away and focus on those high in protein content and low fat.
    I've been trying to do that; and I guess am not doing all that bad, generally I go maybe 20grams over on my protein, but still have some fat left.
    Also ... GO FOR THE FRUITS! They have little protein, but of course no fat.

    BTW: My diary is Open, I'll add you as a friend so we can critique each other :)
  • keylareed
    keylareed Posts: 27 Member
    Try lean, low sodium lunchmeat. Tilapia is great! It is super low fat, low calorie and is a great source of protein. Fat free cottage cheese is high in protein. Also, greek yogurt is fat free and has a crazy amount of protein. :) Hope this helps!!
  • alischaid
    alischaid Posts: 46 Member
    When I need to up my protein, I have a Pure Protein Vanilla shake mixed with Silk Soy Milk. 31 grams of protein - yum!
  • KatiePeca
    KatiePeca Posts: 314 Member
    When I don't get enough protein, which is basically every day, I drink Gourmet Whey protein shakes, the chocolate peanut butter one is my favorite!

  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    Chicken. I'll pound 2 chicken breasts and get something like 70g+ of protein.

    Protein powers are ok, but try to get your needs met by real foods.
  • ennaejay
    ennaejay Posts: 575
    Agree with PPs.... nut butters are great but often high in fat. Cottage cheese is awesome. Eggs. BEANS (and rice)! Whey protein powder in lowfat milk if you need a punch... adds 100 calories and 17+ grams of protein, can't beat it if you're in a hurry. Fish (canned albacore is easy-breezy).

    good luck momma!
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    Is it a particular meal or time of day that is causing you most issues? Or are you just trying to add more protein in general?

    Some things I eat to help me add more protein to my day:

    Breakfast of egg white scramble; half cup or so of diced veggies (broccoli, squash, spinach, onion, just any combination that sounds good to you), two egg whites, and one ounce of low-fat cheddar or jack cheese. This gives me more than 20g of protein for only 5g of fat. For even more variety you can add spices like oregano, cumin, garlic powder or paprika.

    Yogurt parfait; 1/2c low fat Greek yogurt, 1/2 c berries, 1/2 c Kashi Go Lean Cereal. Only 3g of fat and around 19g protein.

    Fruit smoothie with whey; 1/2c non-fat milk, 1/2c low-fat Greek yogurt, 1 frozen banana, 1/2c frozen berries, 1 scoop whey protein powder. This has 40g of protein and only 3g of fat. You could use fat-free yogurt and have no fat at all.

    Beef (or turkey or bison) jerky makes a great snack if you can find some of the lower sodium stuff.

    Have a nice, lean meat at dinner. Some options are fish, shrimp, and chicken breast.

    Lentils can make a quick and inexpensive side dish or soup to add to dinner for more protein and fiber.
  • Mother4Jesus
    Mother4Jesus Posts: 38 Member
    Thank you for all the suggestions...Yes, I'll open up my daily food diary.
    I am good at staying under the calories for the day but i'm noticing that i'm low on protein and high in fat and other bad stuff. SO for me, even though i'm losing weight, I want to make sure that i'm eating healthy.

    I'm nursing my 4 month old exclusively...so I have extra calories for that, although those are not reflected in my daily calorie allowance.

    As for eating fruit..I LOVE Fruit..I actually love a Raw Diet and ate like that for a long time before my 3rd daughter was born. The problem is that my body doesn't like all the fruit sugars. IF I eat fruit with moderation, i'm ok, but not in large doses. I actually do better with a low carb, high protein diet.