organo gold gourmet cafe latte

I'm not usually a coffee drinker as i hate the taste but my mum brought this in and i had a go and loved it and now I'm addicted. Problem is i'm trying to eat as clean as i can as i hear eating clean is good for belly fat etc. Will drinking this ruin it? I only have one a day at the moment and not everyday


  • newgal1
    newgal1 Posts: 15
  • jennfisher13
    jennfisher13 Posts: 50 Member
    No, this will not ruin it. Actually this cafe latte is good for you. The ganoderma extract in the latte is good for your cardio vascular system, helps with high blood pressure, and cholesterol. If you are counting calories don't forget to add this in your count it is 95 calories for one cup. I love this coffee too! Organo Gold also makes an amazing green tea! If you like the Latte you should give it a try.