Stubborn Belly Fat

Haha did I sound like one of those commercials? Anyways, my trouble area is my stomach. Since working out it has deflated but doesn't seem to be moving anymore. My butt is taking a nice shape and my thighs are toning. What are something's you do for your stomach? I just joined a gym and somewhat new to exercise. I enjoy it. Exercise relaxes me and gives me energy. Any suggestions would be helpful!


  • lindsaylove07
    lindsaylove07 Posts: 444 Member
    Bump! This is my problem too!
  • nburns325
    nburns325 Posts: 174
    I feel the same! Hopefully we get a lot of great suggestions on here! My clothes are loose in my thighs/butt but still (well not-as well) fit in the stomach area....
  • tbisca1
    tbisca1 Posts: 142
    This is my BIGGEST problem too. Everything has smoothed out and toning except the stomach. It's frustrating!!
  • lallaloolly
    lallaloolly Posts: 228 Member
    you can target muscles for toning but you can't target fat for burning, because your body burns fat at the same rate all over your body. keep up with both strength and cardio exercises, and definitely do ab exercises. the more you tone your abs, the more your muscle will pull the extra belly fat into a more pleasing appearance, and then it is just time and patience and sticking with your exercise routine. eventually your body will burn the fat in your tummy, but it takes more time than arms and legs.
  • veganjeanie
    veganjeanie Posts: 158 Member
    Bump, no help here, just hoping for answers like the rest of you! The rest of me is looking pretty good, but I still have a handful of belly fat!
  • cjasins
    cjasins Posts: 93
    **BUMP** I could use help here too....seems I'm losing weight everywhere but there :cry: :cry:
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    I'll tell you what everyone told me. Where you gain the weight first, is the last place that it will leave. So if you gain weight on your belly first (thats where i gain), then your belly will be the last place that the fat will evacuate. I am still trying to lose the rest of it, but honestly, every part of me shrunk before my waist even started.
  • Erykah3584
    Erykah3584 Posts: 324 Member
    Bump! Same problem here! Arms, legs and butt are toning but I still got a tire around my waist. Its a lot smaller than it was, but its still there!
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    Cardio, proper diet, hard workout-that will help with your belly fat. No way to spot reduce and if the skin is saggy but not fat anymore then there is nothing you can do outside of surgery to fix it but if it's still fat revert to the first three things I said!
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    Yes, unfortunately you can't choose how/ where your body loses fat from. I have no issue with my stomach, but I wish I could trim down my thighs a bit.
    Eating clean, doing strength training supplemented with cardio, and just stick with it and be consistent.
    Exercises that definitely helped strengthen my abdominal area are hanging knee raises, lying leg raises, and the seated ab crunch machine, at around 30-36kgs on it. The hanging knee raises and lying leg raises in particular have helped me get a 'v' coming through.
  • leix
    leix Posts: 176
    I had proper bad belly after having 2 kids.
    Mine gone down alot ive done alot of full body circuit training, strength training, jogging, cycling, swimming and now weights.
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    Along with watching your diet and cardio, I would suggest trying yoga. I have been doing it for a short time... about a month, and I can see and feel a difference in my core. Plus I really enjoy the classes:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Zumba! I'm over 50 yo and I have the best looking tummy I've had in more than 20 yrs thanks to Zumba. I've had ab machines (at least 3 that I can remember), and I've tried sit-ups, crunches, scrunches, you name it I probably tried it over the years. Who knew working your abs didn't involve getting on the floor and could be so much fun!?
  • I have found that (and this may sound crazy) but, i take saran wrap wrap around my stomach and back then i have this corset that closes with Velcro and put that on top nice and snug not too tight, and what ever your work out is the sweat pours off literally. Im not saying you will be perfectly flat but it helps melt that belly fat faster and im 46 and a mom of 3 and I see a difference, my pants are definitely loser in the waist.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Ive been doing 50 sit ups a day, knee kicks when I can, bicycle crunches, reverse crunches, and circuit training where you have to keep your abs flat and straight/flexed at all times, all sorts of stuff to target stomach... can make it fun with incorporating dancing into it and do knee kicks to the beat of the music.. ive also been dancing and doing the circuit training with 3lb weights in my arms and working my arms as much as possible cuz of my arm fat... water is also key in flushing fat cells, toxins, and helping with skin elasticity.