Vega, anyone?

For those who don't know, Vega is a whole living food supplement in the form of a powder that you mix into water or smoothies. It is chock full of nutrients, all natural, and sweetened with stevia (so not your typical chemically derived or sugar high weight loss shake). I admit I don't like the texture (it's okay in smoothies but I rarely have time) but the energy boost and appetite control is well worth it. I believe your appetite is more stable because your body is getting so much usable nutrition.

Anyway, I have been using Vega on and off for a year and it has helped me through some health issues I may otherwise not have fared so well during. Does anyone else use this? How do you take it? What's your favourite flavour? I just use plain (I warn you all to stay away from vanilla chai...choking that down for a month was awful) and mix it in water.