Tried and tried, now needs Motivation

Hello MFP Friends!

So here's some background. Everybody in my family is obese, and I was always skinny or now I'm curvy! I see myself at 185 lb currently and know that if I don't make a major lifestyle change now I'll get too heavy and it will be even harder to lose!

Nearing my 20th Birthday, I want to begin to have control over my life and my apperance. I want to gain control and feel great!

The problem, I do really good at the eating heathly and the portions I tend to induldge b/c healthy food is good! I love fresh fruits and vegetables and love love love to cook. My when I'm back at my parents, it's all sweets and salads with mayonaisse and not so much healthy stuff.

The exercise is my down fall. I love to work, I have 3 jobs: waitress, insurance representative, and I work on our family dairy farm. All while trying to finish my last semester of college. I know in 6 months I will be hitting the road to find a good full time job. Being 20, graduating super early with a Bachelor's degree I want to be young and healthy so it looks better when I go to apply for a job.

So who wants to help me stay motivated! ?

My the end of the year I would love love love love to be at least 145! ( I remember this weight, it wasn't that long ago!)


  • photorific
    photorific Posts: 577 Member
    Busy, busy! You can do this - 145 is totally attainable!
  • Meglm1117
    Meglm1117 Posts: 70
    Hey, well you sound like a busy girl and all that working will help keep you in shape without the hour long workouts that you probably do not have the time or energy for. I recommend Jillians Ripped in 30 or 30 day shred. They are short workouts, and GREAT workouts. The workout itself is only around 24 min but with warm up and cool down it is around 35-37 min. Anyways, it may be tough starting out but I promise you will get used to it and it will jsut become a habit, an everyday lifestyle the same as eating healthy. I'm here for support. :) Good luck to you!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    You can do it!
  • MrsRadder
    MrsRadder Posts: 207 Member
    I will help... we are very similar, I work two jobs, and own/live on a large farm. It's so hard to find time to workout when you put in such long hours! Get a heart rate monitor! Seriously it's the only way to track all the things you do! And you have to add in your exercises... I have exercises like haying while others are doing curls :) Good luck! And feel free to add me!
  • JeepBaja
    JeepBaja Posts: 1,824 Member
    Your parents are like my "weekends". I do great during the week then go out with the better half and often gain what I lost. I have been in a stalemate now for over two months. I am not being hard on myself, I knew/know what I am doing when I go on the weekends. Now I have entered a new phase, it hasn't worked out as well as I hoped but I'm getting there.

    Not knowing you or your family, I have to assume your parents want nothing but the best for you. You have been a success up until now with your goals so they will support your eating habits. Tell mom thanks for the offer of sweets but I am going to eat **** instead. Would your parents really be upset if you don't eat the salad with mayo or heavy dinner? Since you love to cook like your parents, use that as a time to visit with the cook (your mom?) while dinner is being made and make your own.

    Saying that was easy. Doing so is hard. Yeah I can eat the salad or soup and be happy but when I see the good food being eaten by the family or friends, I tend to have some and my reasoning is oh well, I know the consequences and the next day when I didn't lose what I thought I would, I move on. Dwelling on it only frustrates you and then you binge. I am very happy with my progress to date thanks to MFP.

    I joke about my "cheeseburger diet" because my diet hasn't changed much, just the amount that I eat. No matter how I look at it, I am ahead of the game after only 7 months when I had pretty much zero results with all the other things I tried over the past six years...