Green tea or not!

vol3detroit Posts: 7
edited September 29 in Food and Nutrition
I have been drinking green tea for a while now and do enjoy a good cup. But i am curious as to if this stuff really does do anything besides hydrate you. I have read so many good things about all the benefits of it but still am skeptical as to what it really does. I just wondered if anyone else has experienced any dramatic results from using green tea. I will continue to drink it because i really love it but just want to know what everyone else is experiencing.


  • angiemartin78
    angiemartin78 Posts: 475 Member
    I have been drinking it daily (1-2 cups) for almost a year, and I have noticed a difference in my skin. Less fine lines :)
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    I drink a fair amount and have not noticed much, but I drink it because I like it so I don't really look for anything either.
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    I am drinking green tea right now!! They say it is supposed to help metabolize fat among other things, but it's definitely better for you than coffee!

    My green tea has acai berry etc and is called "Superfruit Green Tea". "Superfruits" are another health fad that I'm skeptical of but really who cares? It's tasty and it's not hurting me.
  • Green tea is great for weight loss but to get results you need to drink at least 3 to 5 cups daily. If this is not possible for you, or if you still don’t feel the difference, then it’s a good idea to turn to green tea supplements. Green tea supplements have been found to be effective at boosting metabolism. They have concentrated amounts of catechins and polyphenols which increase your metabolism and help burn fat leaving you feeling more energetic throughout the day.
  • Hi, I have a friend who drinks green tea too she loves it and she's lost weight too and she says they can't keep the stuff on the shelf long enough before it flies off the at Walmart where she works. So keep enjoying.
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    I think it seems to keep my appetite down...but I drink it instead of water. I keep a pitcher of cold green tea in the fridge at all times and drink between 6-8 glasses (minimum) each day.
  • azingale
    azingale Posts: 74
    I have stains on my teeth from excessive coffee consumption (and smoking, even though I quit a year and a half ago - the stains aren't gone yet.) I was drinking coffee continuously from the time I woke up until 7 p.m., thanks to many 15 to 18 hour days, and something to replace the nicotine. Over the course of this summer, I've cut my caffeine consumption just from having little stress and plenty of sleep, and just like that, the stains have started to go away. I'm hoping I can stay at a low level of coffee and replace with green tea once my work/school schedule go nuts again. If I get antioxidant benefits, great, and metabolic benefits, even better, but I'm just looking for my teeth to be whiter while still getting a little caffeine.
  • daisyamber
    daisyamber Posts: 27 Member
    Bump for later
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    I never got into drinking it lots, but I should. A guy at my WW meeting when I used to go took supplements. Found he lost 4kgs in the first week. Didn't do anything for me ;)
  • martinh78
    martinh78 Posts: 601
    I have been drinking it for years, but not for weight loss (think this may be a fad if I'm hinest). It's lower in caffine and higher in antioxidants, that's why I drink it.
  • tireetje
    tireetje Posts: 49
    heyy im drinking it too! started because i liked it and then cos i heard its good for weight loss.
    its supposed to help you lose weight and it has almost no calories and so much
    healthier than coffee.. also gives you energy. i love it. i dont no if it has seriously aided my weight loss.
    but every little bit helps. x
  • I have been taking 2 1000mg green tea tablets for the last two days, i have noticed that it has supressed my hunger dramatically! I could eat dinner last night, check back on sunday to see how much i've lost as that will be the real test!

    P.S. I started taking them because a freind does MMA professionally and he had to lose weight but keep his muscle. He told me to start taking them to aid my weight loss. I eat healthily and go to the gym at least twice a week.
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