Last week of a Biggest Loser Competition

Any advice for the last week of my Biggest Loser Competition? I'm trying to drop a few more lbs before the end. Should I work out more? Eat less? Just looking for anything that could help push me a little further. Thanks!!!!


  • kids183
    kids183 Posts: 204 Member
    Hi there!

    How about a cleanse? I haven't done one myself...but from what I understand cleaning out your system drops a few pounds dramatically and it's very healthy to do. It might be something to look into. I, myself have been investigating cleansing.

    Good luck!

    (aka kids183)
  • TByrd1325
    TByrd1325 Posts: 920 Member
    Cut out as much sodium as possible! This is just a tip I recently saw in (I belieeeeve) Muscle&Fitness Hers for ladies competing.