New to site/keeping the faith

Hi everyone! First of all, I want to say thanks to all who have been posting encouraging words to everyone out there. This is how we will all get to our desired goal weight!

I am exercising again and have been really good about walking/running 3-4 miles everyday for the past 2 weeks. I am a teacher and I exercise during the summer, but as school resumes, I give it up because I am too busy with work. I am hoping this year will be different. I am committed to shedding the 20 pounds I need to lose. In the last couple of days, I have been weighing myself and my weight as not changed at all.....and it's REALLY frustrating me. I am truly watching what I eat, counting my calories and drinking a TON of water. I am doing everything right, but the scale is not moving. Can anyone PLEASE offer suggestions/advice to help me? Thank you so much!


  • iluminadaonix
    iluminadaonix Posts: 79 Member
    Make sure you measure every food. I use my food scale, measuring cups and spoons with any meal I eat. I only eat out once a week. Before these changes, I was eating over 600 calories eye balling my meals instead of measuring and too much eating out was not helping me.