Progress Pics..

simme Posts: 3 Member
edited September 29 in Motivation and Support
I feel so happy when I see other peoples progress pics and I think to myself I should do that so I can show my success when Im there but I can't stand the thought off taking a picture which will show my bumps. Now I feel I have mastered the technique of the perfect flawless photo. I am well aware of lighting, angles and best sides, all in the struggle of ignoring my growing size so every time I attempt to take a picture of the real me I can't bare it. Everyday I seem to notice another mental block which has been holding me back, I thought I had come to terms with my size and had enough positivity from doing something about it to let go of these mental baricades but obviously not. Just wondered if I'm the only one who suffers from such irrational thoughts? X


  • fab50G
    fab50G Posts: 384 Member
    I hear ya! I've taken pics of myself with my phone and have taken (and deleted) no less than 50 before finding one that is acceptable (in my eyes)!
  • cheddarboy
    cheddarboy Posts: 124 Member
    if you're taking pictures while sucking in, in the best light on the best side you are only cheating yourself. I take pictures of myself, but i don't post them. I take them with neutral light between breaths so I can tell progress, not what I want to see. It is a good motivator to see the progress. If I told you I lost 50 lbs and I only lost 10, who am I cheating??... Myself
  • mamadragon82
    mamadragon82 Posts: 5 Member
    I feel the same way. I'm not sure I'm brave enough to post any progress pics anywhere. Once I have lost my weight, I may be able to post a before and after. But I would use a picture that had been taken during this time, rather than one that I take myself. I hate seeing myself in pictures. Blah. Recently, in my blog, I posted a picture of myself at my wedding at my ideal weight next to a picture of what I look like now as motivation for my weight loss. It's so gross.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I think you have to remember you're not posting them on a dating site, or your highschool reunion site, you are posting it here. with us. people that are in the same boat, have been down the same road and will not judge you one bit. We will only applaud your progress. YOUR pictures could be the pictures that make someone else get up and change their life.
  • fabi8081
    fabi8081 Posts: 232 Member
    You should take pictures of yourself now and just hold on to them. One day you will be comfortable with it and you'll wish you would have photographed your journey. Even if your not ready right now you will have proof of your success. If you look at my profile I have posted pictures of myself. I haven't put up any recent ones but I figure if everyone knows what I look like than I'll have to change. I don't want people to know I look like that. I also have those same pictures on my phone as my wallpaper and my lock screen. I look at my phone alot and now everytime I look at my phone I am faced with the truth!!!
  • atcbabe1
    atcbabe1 Posts: 22
    I hate my progress pics but know they are true to life so i kept and posted them. Real life isnt perfect so I dont expect pics to be. Eventualy i hope for the "perfect" pic but it will only be so when i am happy with how i look and where i am at
  • Your thoughts are not irrational. Normal people have quirks, insecurities, and anxiety about the challenges they face.

    Here's a suggestion... take the pictures and don't post them until you feel comfortable doing so. That way you can visibly track your progress on your own, without causing yourself the anxiety of perceived scrutiny. As you get closer to your goal weight, you may discover that you want to share the photos of your success. If not, no harm, no foul.

    Just remember that you said when you look at other people's pics, you felt happy for them and encouraged. People looking at your pictures are NOT going to be criticizing you or feeling contempt. They will be sharing in your joy, and getting encouragement on how to overcome their own struggles. Good luck!
  • simme
    simme Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks everyone :) This has made me feel a lot less anxious about this and I am proud to say I finally managed to take a real me photo. Im keeping it for myself so I can see how well i progress and so I am motivated to keep going at the moment. I really appreciated everyone's comments and its made me realise for the first time that I'm not alone and the sooner i face my fears the sooner I can move on to my next mental hurdle. I think one of the comments was cheating myself and I didn't realise how long I have been doing that until I decided to change. Something as simple as a photo giving me this much grief is a barrier Im glad to have broken down even if it has taken me about three weeks. X
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Well, if you're always using a good angle, lighting, pose, etc, then you're still going to show the same progress.

    It's like weighing yourself after you poop. Some might consider it cheating, that it isn't true weight loss, but if you always weigh yourself after you poop, you're just replicating the same circumstances.

    Why do I always have to bring poop into it?!

    Besides, you'll find that as you progress, you'll find you look better not sucking it in than you did before when you did suck it.

    First pic? Holding my breath. More recent pic? Still hamming it up in a flattering pose, but I don't have to suck it in anymore, and my stomach is much smoother and flatter.

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