Any Phetermine Users?



  • shapestocome
    shapestocome Posts: 476 Member
    Oops I wanted to reply to someone else's!
  • shapestocome
    shapestocome Posts: 476 Member
    Just a suggestion. Have you tried clean eating? I know you say your nutritionist said you are doing "everything right" and I'm no professional - but I took a random look through your food journal (went back a couple months) and from what I see:

    You don't eat many fruits or vegetables, if any.
    You eat way too much processed food.
    Your sodium (from the week I saw) is through the roof - I eat a lot of sodium too, but I drink a gallon of water a day to flush it out.
    On 3 days - looks like you ate a whole bag of hersheys kisses
    You eat out quite a bit, salads at fast food places are iffy - but burgers, fried chicken, shakes and fries are a NO if you are trying to lose weight.

    I hope you don't take this as jumping on you - I've been there and done that too. Just maybe a llittle hard love, or a reality check so to say. I thought I was doing everything in my power for the last few years to lose weight too - I blamed my slow thyroid (I'm on meds, I don't think they work, I didn't magically drop weight) I blamed my birth control, I blamed my age, Thing is - I was overweight (still am, but working on it!) because I wasn't honest about what I really was doing to my body.

    I hope you find the answers you are seeking, I just hope they don't come in the form of a pill.

    I must say I agree.... There is lots of processed "diet" food which really isn't that much better than the processed regular food.

    In all honesty it seems like you really want to do this diet pill, so do it, and it seems like you have doctors backing you, but just know that for the most part people on this site are going to have opinions against the use of diet pills. Its nothing against you, its against the diet pill.

    There are TONS of cases where it has caused heart palpitations (sp!?) and heart problems, it has caused peoples metabolisms to be messed up, and it has made it harder to stay with losing the weight afterwards, BECAUSE of the pills they took.

    I realize you have a medical condition that makes weight loss hard. But it doesn't make it impossible.

    But just remember you asked for opinions people are giving them, don't take them offensive, because they are opinions. Do what you want to do, just remember that there is good and bad to both sides. You are choosing to take the bad along with the good. Just makes ure that the bad is worth it.

    No offense but actually she didn't ask for people's opinions - she asked for people's experiences with the drug who has actually taken them. Her and her doctor already decided to put her on them for a trial period.
  • LimeyTart
    LimeyTart Posts: 303 Member
    I was that girl that ate SUPER clean, DID NOT cheat, worked out 4 times a week by myself, and 3 times a week with a trainer. I worked hard... and the weight did not come off... People are so ready to jump, but don't want to hear the real story, they are haters before they even know what they are hating.

    This was precisely my experience. It's incredibly, incredibly frustrating. I literally cried in February when I got on the scale and I'd lost four pounds. It was such a change from getting on the scale and seeing the same exact number despite all of the hard work.

    I had a battery of tests before my doctor would allow me to go on them and tests again both months. The only side effects I had were an 'enhanced sense of well being' and a few nights where I couldn't go to sleep right away.

    Best of luck! Feel free to friend me if you'd like some support :)
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    Has your doctor talked to your about Metformin? I took Phentermine last summer and it basically made me not eat at all. Lost ten pounds but I couldn't in good health not eat, so I started to force myself to eat and eventually I didn't feel the effects anymore. I had a friend who took it around the same time as me and she has lost quite a bit of weight on it. She doesn't pay attention to her eating really and as far as I know has not gained much of the weight back, granted she was on it for almost 9 months. I am in the process of being diagnosed with PCOS and my doctor has given me metformin, I feel it has helped me in my weight loss, more then Phentermine ever did. If it works for you more power to you!

    Yes I've been on Metformin for 3 years at the max dose. I was dxed with PCOS in 2008. I know how to eat right - no problems doing that, and I love to workout - infact I want to be a runner - but no matter what I did, the weight just did not come off.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member

    No offense but actually she didn't ask for people's opinions - she asked for people's experiences with the drug who has actually taken them. Her and her doctor already decided to put her on them for a trial period.

    Thank You! ... and that's just it, its a TRIAL PERIOD - to see if this is right for me... I may decide that the s/e are too great to contninue or that it just didn't work for me... Either way, it's a trial period.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    I was that girl that ate SUPER clean, DID NOT cheat, worked out 4 times a week by myself, and 3 times a week with a trainer. I worked hard... and the weight did not come off... People are so ready to jump, but don't want to hear the real story, they are haters before they even know what they are hating.

    This was precisely my experience. It's incredibly, incredibly frustrating. I literally cried in February when I got on the scale and I'd lost four pounds. It was such a change from getting on the scale and seeing the same exact number despite all of the hard work.

    I had a battery of tests before my doctor would allow me to go on them and tests again both months. The only side effects I had were an 'enhanced sense of well being' and a few nights where I couldn't go to sleep right away.

    Best of luck! Feel free to friend me if you'd like some support :)

    Thank You.
  • Erica002
    Erica002 Posts: 293 Member
    Everyone is different. I took them in the past and it stayed off but then I had babies and have thyroid problems. FDA recommends that you only stay on them for 4 months cause after that it's no good for your body and it stops working. And I think you mentioned having a thyroid problem?? I'm a little surprised if you do cause no Dr in their right mind would prescribe you phentermine when you have a thyroid problem. And also, most Dr's put you on them to help you get into routine of eating right and exercising and are expecting you to follow those habits after you stop taking them cause otherwise all the weight you lose will come back and you need to drink a lot of water while on them.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    Everyone is different. I took them in the past and it stayed off but then I had babies and have thyroid problems. FDA recommends that you only stay on them for 4 months cause after that it's no good for your body and it stops working. And I think you mentioned having a thyroid problem?? I'm a little surprised if you do cause no Dr in their right mind would prescribe you phentermine when you have a thyroid problem. And also, most Dr's put you on them to help you get into routine of eating right and exercising and are expecting you to follow those habits after you stop taking them cause otherwise all the weight you lose will come back and you need to drink a lot of water while on them.

    Yes I have hyporthyroidim controled by 62mcg of Synthroid. My Dr and I even discussed when to take the medication after taking my Synthroid because you are suppose to wait 4 hours after taking Synthroid to take other medications.

    And LIke I have said above, I do see a nutrionist as well as know what eating habits that need to be followed, it's not like I am taking the pill and going to McDonalds everyday for a cheeseburger.

    thank you
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 576 Member
    Do you eat healthy NOW?
  • AmberMagdalena
    AmberMagdalena Posts: 461 Member
    A lot of people will jump on you about it here. I will tell you that I took it in February and March. I've always had a handle on the eating correctly but nothing was working for me, even with the addition of exercise. For whatever reason, it helped me get started losing.

    Many people will tell you that it will all come back once you're off the pills, but that has not been my experience. I've been off almost four months and I've lost almost 40 more pounds since stopping. As long as you don't go back to any old habits and keep up the lifestyle change, things should (no guarantees, of course) be fine.

    A lot of people "jump" on people about taking weight loss pills because, generally speaking, this community is about taking ownership of your health shortcomings and making a LIFESTYLE change, which doesn't include a pill. You can't truly take credit for weight loss if a pill did it for you. If someone is like you and they took it upon themselves to allow the pill to be a catalyst to better decisions and a lifestyle change, then it could potentially be successful. But why not just take ownership now and make a change? One more note, many of those pills can have awful, unhealthy effects on the heart and other parts of the body. Read the small print. Is it really worth it?

    First of all, her MD gave them to her, remember? Second, have YOU had experience with this drug? If the answer is "no" Then you don't have a place on this particular post b/c thats not the answer she's looking for.

    Now, dear to answer your question. I personally liked the meds, it helped me lose 25lbs and opened the door to lose 50 more lbs a few years back. It's great in combination with b12 and fish oil. It helped me begin to ovulate but only for a short time without regular diet habits. I'm actually going back to that program on the 27th of this month if you want to meal plan together. PCOS is a real pain in the butt. For me to lose weight I feel like I'm STARVING even with proper protein intake because of the craving for carbs and sugar.
  • AmberMagdalena
    AmberMagdalena Posts: 461 Member
    Everyone is different. I took them in the past and it stayed off but then I had babies and have thyroid problems. FDA recommends that you only stay on them for 4 months cause after that it's no good for your body and it stops working. And I think you mentioned having a thyroid problem?? I'm a little surprised if you do cause no Dr in their right mind would prescribe you phentermine when you have a thyroid problem. And also, most Dr's put you on them to help you get into routine of eating right and exercising and are expecting you to follow those habits after you stop taking them cause otherwise all the weight you lose will come back and you need to drink a lot of water while on them.

    Yes I have hyporthyroidim controled by 62mcg of Synthroid. My Dr and I even discussed when to take the medication after taking my Synthroid because you are suppose to wait 4 hours after taking Synthroid to take other medications.

    And LIke I have said above, I do see a nutrionist as well as know what eating habits that need to be followed, it's not like I am taking the pill and going to McDonalds everyday for a cheeseburger.

    thank you

    I Know how hard you've been working with your spinning classes and avoiding high carb and sugar foods.

    Trust me I totally understand. PCOS makes weight loss a whole other world.

    I have recently been concidering surgery as well. The weight is just not coming off how I think it should. I've been looking into it and if my insurance would cover it, I would've had it done yesterday! But since it doesn't, I guess I'll just have a few more epic fails before I pay $10,000+ outta pocket
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    Amber - Thank You!

    We should definatly meal plan together, - it's been hard for me to do so with the move and now my nephew - but he goes home on Saturday!! and Hubby and I plan on hitting up the gym Saturday Afternoon! .. We are super excited to get back into our better ways!

    We are cleaning out our cabinets totally - as all the food we bought for my nephew is going to my mom's house since she is getting his brother and sister for 2 weeks (we are doing a trade off with his mom) - So we should totally meal plan together.

    Thank You for Your Support!
  • clala82
    clala82 Posts: 90 Member
    I'm a fellow PCOSer. I took Phentermine for a few months and I lost about 25 pounds, however the effectiveness wore off and I didn't want to keep increasing my dosage so I stopped taking it. While I was on phentermine, and before it stopped being effective, I really liked it because I felt normal for the first time in my life. I didn't have crazy cravings and I felt satisfied after eating a normal, healthy meal. It helped me stick to a balanced diet, and I combined it with regular exercise. Unfortunately, I didn't keep the weight off, but that's because I didn't stick to a healthy diet after going off of it.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    I'm a fellow PCOSer. I took Phentermine for a few months and I lost about 25 pounds, however the effectiveness wore off and I didn't want to keep increasing my dosage so I stopped taking it. While I was on phentermine, and before it stopped being effective, I really liked it because I felt normal for the first time in my life. I didn't have crazy cravings and I felt satisfied after eating a normal, healthy meal. It helped me stick to a balanced diet, and I combined it with regular exercise. Unfortunately, I didn't keep the weight off, but that's because I didn't stick to a healthy diet after going off of it.

    Thank You for the info.
  • Nic0522
    Nic0522 Posts: 38
    Not everyone loses weight through good old fashioned diet and exercise. Different factors such as hormones are at play. You are under a doctor's supervision, do what is right for you. I have taken phentermine with side effects of dry mouth and insomnia (which I have anyway LOL).

    Feel free to add me as a friend & good luck!
  • tammykoon
    tammykoon Posts: 298 Member
    I have been on it since March. I only take half of a pill. As of this morning I have lost 60lbs. My husband used me as his guinea pig and watched my results for the first month. When I went back for my check-up he came along and has been on it since April. He has lost 50lbs. He takes a full pill, the half wasn't enough for him.

    Those are the dates and weights. Here is the why. My next step was gastric by-pass. The Dr. did a full exam, blood work, and all. We discovered much to his surprise that I was very healthy for a 372lb 5'2" 38 year old woman. The only medication I was taking regularly was for acid reflux (don't take it anymore BTW). So he asked me if I would consider surgury. I was petrified. I LIKE food. I like to cook food and I like to eat food. If you have by-pass you need to be ready to eat simple spoonfuls for soft food.

    I was also afraid of feeling hungry. I have been on so many yo-yo diets. It almost made me panic to think of being that hungry again. (Forget almost... I cried like a baby at the thought.) So, after much prayer (my faith is foremost in my life), and long talks with my hubby, I decided to go for it.

    The first few nights I woke up at like 2 am and felt hunger pains. I decided not to panic cause it was the middle of the night and the kitchen was down stairs. (at 372lbs it had to be really serious to get my to go up and down those.) That was over quickly. I found that I stayed up about an hour later than usual for the first month.

    So, what should you do? Well as many have said it has to be your choice. My hubby and I have gone for our own extreme make-over. We have replaced our seriously horrible meals with healthy options. We have planted our first garden. We have been blessed with gym equipement and are working out 3 days a week. We walk, we count our calories, and we try to stay honest with ourselves about our future. I had no idea that I was as bad as I was. I have a long way to go, but I feel so much better.

    This site is wonderful. Most people on here are respectful (even when they don't agree about this medication). The advice you have recieved (even if not asked for) is correct. You have to change. We all have to change. If what we were doing had worked we wouldn't be here pounding away at the keyboard looking for answers and support.

    Hope I helped you, even if I was long winded. (Maybe I can log typing as my exercise-- total joke BTW!)
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    I have been trying to conceive for 4 years and just found out my tubes are blocked. I HAVE to lose this weight and this is my desperate measure.


    I don't have any advice about Phetermine, just wanted to say I'm sorry about your situation and good luck TTC. :smile:
  • lingual
    lingual Posts: 2
    If you are a smoker no body gives you along list of reasons why you should NOT use stop smoking devices to help you give up. Most people are supportive, even sympathetic. Side effects occur from using them regardless. Most agree it is best to stop smoking due to the long term effects of smoking. The same should apply here. Some people need extra support while others do not and it should be a personal choice which you choose.

    Being over weight/ obese poses many dangers itself, you run a very high risk of heart problems/diabetes ect the list goes on.

    The point I am trying to make is why not try and be supportive rather than pointing the finger. We all became overweight for different reasons and will lose weight the same.

    If this helps…

    You probable need a good amount of will power regardless of the pills. (wouldn’t it be great if you didn’t/,what a slim world we would live in)

    You need a life style change not a quick fix. (Be so harsh if you lose the weight only to regain.)

    Best of luck to you all.
  • sonybalony
    sonybalony Posts: 335 Member
    I have PCOS, and the lovely accompanying insulin resistance. I had been eating about 1500-1600 cal day since January, and exercising 3-4 days per week. I had lost a grand total of.... drum roll please..... 1 lb!!!! My doctor put me on Phentermine and 1200 calories about 5 weeks ago. I exercise most days (the days I do conventional 30-45 minute exercises I log, otherwise, I leave it be cause I can't calculate for sure how many calories I burned) I have lost 16 additional lbs in that time. I am currently on Phentermine 37.5 mg a day, I take it about 630 and eat breakfast about 7. The first week, I noticed a BIG issue... You CANNOT drink caffeine with these!!! lol I was the energizer bunny!!! So I dropped caffeine. The only side effects I have experienced are 3 nights in the beginning that I could NOT sleep (these were the caffeine days), about an hour a day of excess energy (tapping feet mostly), and (I don't know if this is related but) where before I was CONSTANTLY thirsty, I am satisfied with the amount of water I drink. (I drink between 8 and 12 cups a day now) I did not take the pills during camp this summer (1 week) initially because I left them home and then after 3 days (when I could have gotten them when hubby visited) because I felt pretty darned okay... I was scared I would be Miss Chomps-a-lot and I wasn't, ate reasonably, drank water, exercised . Oh boy did I exercise! about 15 miles a day (moseying cause of the heat but still! 15 miles), canoeing, rappelling, hiking, service projects.... the list continues! lol When I got home I went back on them and experienced 1 day of excess energy.

    I was on Phentermine once before 14 years ago, when it was in combo with Fenfluramine (nasty combo btw). Thankfully, the Fen did not make me feel the way they said it would so after 1 month I quit using it and continued on the Phen. (I have had the tests to check and see if there was any damage, there was not) I lost 40 lbs, kept it off, and then got PREGNANT :-) without the PHEN I am positive my wonderful son would not be here!

    Now that I'm a LITTLE older... ;-) I need to take care of this before I become my momma. I love her dearly and wouldn't say a mean thing about her but... she is extremely overweight, on oxygen for congestive heart failure, blood pressure meds, and dozens of other pills a day... she can barely get through the grocery store with a cart without sitting down somewhere. I want to be an active part of my children's lives.. I could not do it before the weight started coming off. The pain shooting through my back, hips, knees and feet was excruciating. I took Aleve, Motrin, Tylenol like they were candy and they barely touched the pain. Just a 17 lb loss has changed ALOT!!! Shoot!! the 14 before camp made camp not just bearable but enjoyable!

    Be aware that you will have to be making habit changes while on the Phen so that you don't gain back off the Phen. (I read your posts, I think this will just be a bit of tweaking in your case)

    Good luck!

    With Friendship and Warmth from Missouri!
