Toning? More Weight for Women???



  • kgagnon7779
    kgagnon7779 Posts: 216
    Agree completely. In reality (for a completely balanced physique) your squat should be higher than your bench press 1 ½ times your bodyweight for example which would be 225 for you. A 150lb bench press and 225lb squat are not easy goals for a woman though, it will take hard work, a proper training program and a caloric surplus.

    Here are some general weightlifting goals (these are just rough guidelines):
    Deadlift = 2 x BW
    Squat = 1.5 x BW
    Bench Press = 1 x BW
    Barbell Row = 1 x BW
    Overhead Press = .75 x BW

    Here is good information that lays this out in more detail.

    Thanks Greg - I'll check this out. The PT did mention he'd like to find out my max, which we'll probably do tomorrow. So, are these maximums you listed above? Do you say you can bench press 225 when you can only do it one time? Or are you expected to at least do a few at a time?

    Typically you would qualify it by saying that it is your 1 rep max (1RM), 5RM etc… If you can get your 1RM to those numbers, then you are in pretty good shape.
    Got it - thanks much.
  • jamie78
    jamie78 Posts: 514 Member
    Just ordered that book!