UK people- can u pleas etell me some easy healthy recipes I can make, that are cheap and easy to make, not time consuming to help me lose the 3 stone I need to! Also feel free to add me and help support me on this journey, as Im new to dieting and really want tor each my target! Thanks. xxx


  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    How about stir fries? You can make up salads and add more filling stuff to them like tinned tuna/sardines. Omelettes are also another quickie and you can add what you like to them, i love them with peppers and onions. Cous cous, you can buy ready made various flavours or make it plain, eat on it's own or add tomatoes/cucumebrs/olive/whatever you prefer. All these are super quick.
  • Pinkmaddycat
    Pinkmaddycat Posts: 175 Member
    cous cous made with stock...takes 5 mins.....put anything in you like with it!

    Sweet potato chips

    Half butternut squash roasted and filled with other veg

    rye bread is amazingly filling