working out without eating

Colfiii Posts: 124 Member
hi, I have a question which might be weird ... . I know and it makes sense that working out needs fueling your body with nutritious and healthy food too . However is it possible to work out ( well actually crawl rather ) without eating right ? and if yes , would this bring over exhaustion, depression, lethargy etc ? Isn't it dangerous ? How long can one go on like this ? What are the effects on the body ? ( like u start loosing your muscles too not only body fat right ) . Is this reversible or u can damage your body permanently ?

Thanks ,


  • SpaceMarkus
    SpaceMarkus Posts: 651
    Sounds like you already know the answer. Basically everything you said is the case. You can seriously damage yourself if you workout for too long without refueling your body. And not just your muscles. You can cause stress on the hear and nervous system as well.

    Fuel that machine!
  • lausa22
    lausa22 Posts: 467 Member
    It's dangerous and stupid. It is possible to exercise before eating, then eat after, because your body is more open to absorb nutients.
    But if you don't eat right at all, you'd be fatigued often, exhausted and you lose muscle mass, not fat, because your body goes into starvation mode.
    You can't last long not eating right and exercising excessively, evantually, you'll binge or collapse from mal-nutrition and exhaustion.
    Of course it's reversible, if you eat right and exercise regulary, you may put a bit of weight back on at first, but it' healthier in the long run obviously.
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    of course you can workout with a crappy diet. You WILL NOT. i REPEAT--- WILL NOT lose weight this way. No, it is not healthy. I lived like that for 3 years. Not even thinking about what I put in my mouth, but running everyday between 2-3 miles. Be prepared to have digestive problems! hahaha not fun! =[

    healthy diet is the way to go!
  • Colfiii
    Colfiii Posts: 124 Member
    thanks :( ...