SBF...October 27

I've had a wake up call. I stepped on the scale and realized I've been fooling myself and I've been lying to myself. I've gained back all but 5 pounds of what I've lost since late last year. I know that some of that is muscle because I'm more toned now than I was then, but my size 14's are tight and I was in a 12 then. We have 8 weeks till Christmas. My goal is to lose 10 pounds by then. Do you think I can do it? I'm not so sure, but I'm going to try. 5 pounds by Thanksgiving. I'm not exactly sure how I am going to do it but I will do something!
Goals for the day:
drink water
eat healthy and less, and only till satisfied
push ups
I expect and hope that I will be able to drop about 3 pounds pretty easily once I get my eating under control again.
How are you all doing today? I saw bicyclists yesterday Mary and thought of you. :tongue:


  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    I've had a wake up call. I stepped on the scale and realized I've been fooling myself and I've been lying to myself. I've gained back all but 5 pounds of what I've lost since late last year. I know that some of that is muscle because I'm more toned now than I was then, but my size 14's are tight and I was in a 12 then. We have 8 weeks till Christmas. My goal is to lose 10 pounds by then. Do you think I can do it? I'm not so sure, but I'm going to try. 5 pounds by Thanksgiving. I'm not exactly sure how I am going to do it but I will do something!
    Goals for the day:
    drink water
    eat healthy and less, and only till satisfied
    push ups
    I expect and hope that I will be able to drop about 3 pounds pretty easily once I get my eating under control again.
    How are you all doing today? I saw bicyclists yesterday Mary and thought of you. :tongue:
  • Mufasa0331
    Mufasa0331 Posts: 334 Member
    I think you can definitely do it! and I wish you the best of luck!!

    My goal is drop 24 pounds by Thanksgiving hahahahaha I already know that isn't exactly possible but what the heck...but seriously I would love to be out of the 200s by the time my family sees me...but even if I drop 10 I would be out of the "obese range" for myheight and I would be wickedly happy!
    ( i havent seen my family since August 19th.... :brokenheart: )

    Come on we can do it together!! :flowerforyou:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I've started P90x again as of this morning, so I was up at 4:30am cranking out an hour of Chest & Back. I feel sooo good again. It really helps motivate me to a healthier diet as well. Breakfast was a 1 egg, 3 egg whites, and broccoli omelet, and a frozen fruit/banana/orange juice smoothie with added protein powder and n.o.-xplode. I feel so strong and energized! (We really need a smiley that's a 'Welcome to the Gun Show'! :laugh: ) Anyway, I have some cleaning to do around the house tonight, but I have my 32oz. water bottle with me and I will continue to refill it throughout the day!

    I hope you all are having a fabulous Monday and that you're being positive in your new lifestyle!
    :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    I don't like those kind of wake up calls - I don't like any kind of wake up call!

    I just got an email from a yoga teacher - asking for just me to sub her class :blushing: (normally it's a bulk email to all the subs). It really makes me feel good. The fact that the workshop I was supposed to go to next month never got in touch with me (I signed up, never heard anything - sent them two emails and gave up) - doesn't make me feel great, but it was going to cost $150...and times are just getting tighter.

    Two months until Christmas, only one until Thanksgiving! That's not right! I've got so much going on this week, I don't need holidays approaching as well. I wonder if I can eat Intuitively during the holidays - won't that be a challenge.

    Today, I'm off to run errands on the bike - it will be tough going against this cold front - then off to Fort Worth. I hope to get my sister out exercising tonight as well.

    Happy workouts all!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    I did my push ups and realized that maybe I should take the day off from working out. I might go for a walk later though. My mid back is hurting and has been since Friday afternoon. So I don't think I will do Taebo today. I will eat healthier and stay under 1400 cals. And get a walk in I hope.
  • Mufasa0331
    Mufasa0331 Posts: 334 Member
    Get in some really good stretching before hand to loosen those muscles in your back...

  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Why do I dread logging my food so much? I guess it seems like such a pain. Anyone else think it's a pain? Especially when trying new foods that I have to enter etc.
    I am the same way. It's not dread, exactly - but I do find it really tedious. Hubby cooks dinner a lot, and trying to figure out how much of all these different ingredients he used and I consumed is a pain. But, sometimes you have to do it to keep from fooling yourself! 10 pounds by Christmas is feasible - you can do it! :flowerforyou: Taebo is cardio, right?

    I am totally into the spa idea, V! :love: I'll be crossing my fingers for your lotto win. :wink:

    I love your attitude, Rach. And I agree about needing some kind of bad-*kitten*/flexing smiley for when we feel so strong! But I can't imagine getting my butt up at 4:30...:yawn: Good for you.

    I am struggling on my project. So today I am going to aerobics, and then going straight across the street to the coffee house to get to work! As much as I love my husband, when I get home I invariably want to stay there and hang out with him instead of doing my work. I have to be more disciplined about not doing 'fun' or 'goof-off' things until I have accomplished something for the day!

    Sheesh, I'm talky today. Hope everyone has a nice one! :flowerforyou:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I'm taking the day off, but I might get a walk in later. It's date night, and that usually involves some walking.

    Found out today that it's looking like my union might go on strike this Sunday. I'm freaking out, as my job is my only source of income. However, my union has been very helpful to me, and their demands are reasonable. For example, people at my job/seniority level haven't gotten a cost-of-living increase in over a decade. Also, last year I injured my shoulder and couldn't afford the physical therapy (not covered by insurance, even up here) I went and talked to my rep and they cut me a check within two days to cover my cost. Keep your fingers crossed that negotiations are successful for everyone concerned.

    I'm off to go run some errands and buy a lotto ticket! :tongue:

    Take care of yourselves!:flowerforyou:

    Oh, and cp, I have to go the coffeehouse to work, too. Home is for TV watching, internet surfing and general goofing around. I don't know how people who work at home do it. Maybe if I had a dedicated home office I could.