Couch to 5K



  • Mcctin65
    Mcctin65 Posts: 507 Member
    Which app did you guys use on your smart phone? I just did a search and it came up with numerous choices. THanks
  • chocolatesweat
    I just started couch to 5k yesterday and I'm amazed at how ease it makes running... never thought I could run with all this weight but I'm doing it!
  • mbeuchert24
    mbeuchert24 Posts: 204 Member
    I have tried it a couple of times and the 1st day was so rough!

    Starting Monday a friend of mine and I are going to start the program again. We won't be actually running together but at least we can try to keep each other accountable. We have a 5K in mind that we want to run in December, and while I can't sign up for it right now I'm going to start pushing for that.
  • farmgirlsuz
    farmgirlsuz Posts: 351 Member
    Which app did you guys use on your smart phone? I just did a search and it came up with numerous choices. THanks

    I have C25K Lite, nothing special, it just dings when you are supposed to switch. I suppose if I wasn't so cheap I could pay for the upgrade, but this works just fine for me for now.
  • yes_i_can
    yes_i_can Posts: 419
    I am officially a C25K success story! Just ran the full distance for the first time today :happy:

    Yes, I'm slow, but I did it! I have never been a runner in my life - even struggled to do one mile in school gym - but for whatever reason I got it in my head that I wanted to give running a try... Enter C25K and now I've actually run 5K straight!!!

    My first official 5K event is on Sunday. :)
  • Chrisandsteph99
    I am going to start the c25k but what speeds do you use to walk/run? I downloaded the app on my phone and will start when I come back from vacation.
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    I use RunKeeper. You have to manually type in the intervals though.
  • farmgirlsuz
    farmgirlsuz Posts: 351 Member
    I am going to start the c25k but what speeds do you use to walk/run? I downloaded the app on my phone and will start when I come back from vacation.

    I am doing this on the treadmill, I am sure it is much different if you do it outside. When I walk, I go at 4 mph, but i have been walking on the treadmill since January at 4.3 mph. The first week I ran at 6 mph, but after doing some reading I decided it might be better if I slow it down a little and just get the run part down first and then pick up the speed later. So for now I run at 5.6 mph using a straight 1% incline.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I always hated running, said I would never run and then started C25K in April when walking just wasn't enough anymore. However, after reading about the benefits of interval training, I've decided to simply run and walk in intervals and not worry about getting to the point where I can run 5K without stopping.

    I actually found the first week of C25K too difficult (out of shape 45 year old non-runner here!), so actually spent "Week 0" running 30 seconds and walking 90 seconds. I have built my way up to running 3 minutes and walking 1 minute and that's the pace I'm planning to stick with, for the time being. I went 5K in 39 minutes this morning, which is my fastest time, so far. I'm more than happy with it! I just signed up for a 10K at the end of October. I'm not ready for it today, but I should be ready by then. I might even run a half marathon in January at Disneyland.

    For the intervals, I've used My Interval Timer for the Android. It's free and it's a great program. I was already using Cardio Trainer to track myself, so right now I'm just using the voice announcements for distance/time and speed, which are announced every minute, to cue me when to switch intervals.

    ETA: You should be able to talk while running. For me, that's about 5 to 5.5 MPH. Cardio Trainer lets me know how fast I'm going. :)
  • Autumn1206
    Autumn1206 Posts: 126
    I have been using c25k lite, but I don't think it likes me running pandora in the background, because it keeps starting over on me - which is very frustrating when you're half way through a work out. I am going to try My Interval Trainer. Thanks for the info :) Hey is anyone else here using a HRM while they run? MFP doesn't really have an accurate way of tracking calories for C25K or other interval training.