comments on my diary?



  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    well it's really rude to tell someone eating a serving size of chips is "unhealthy"... sorry.

    Agreed. Everything in moderation. You had a serving size, not a whole bag. Just because we're on here doesn't mean we're swearing off everything that is even remotely unhealthy. You'd all cringe if you saw some of the crap I eat in my journal. I just swore off Nilla Wafers -- Processed junk, much? But if I'm eating between 1200-1600 (AFTER exercise), I'm doing fine with my goals and no one has a right to bring me down.

    We're all here to support each other, and it's a shame some people feel the need to criticize. I say leave it open, and if someone wants to be nasty? Remove them from friends (if applicable) and/or block them.
  • Bellyroll
    Bellyroll Posts: 316
    The only reason I comment on a person i if they are less than 1000 cal constantly. I tend to worry about them but other than that. I really dont ay much. I love to get ideas from peoples diary.
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Helice is a friend of mine and she is a great mfp friend to me, I can assure you she is not a "hater" or an *kitten* and something she has written in complete innocence and trying to congratulate someone has been totally blown out of proportion here!!

    Sometimes it is better not to air your dirty laundry in public and if someone makes any kind of comments towards you in future that you don't like, you could deal with it in another manner and go directly to the source of the problem and private message them, that way you can understand better why they have written something and hopefully realise that someone has not meant to offend you and in turn you won't have upset that person by going and writing a forum post based around something they have written!!

    not just about her hunny. Did i make a forum about anyone, no? I made it about people making rude comments about my food, so you don't need to jump to conclusions.