In need of support and encouragement

I am having a really har time staying focused and serious about losing weight I know I really want to lose this weight and get healthy but I always say ok I am going to start tommorow and I come up with an excuse or I fail at my plan and I give up. I cant seem to stick with any plan. Anyone got any ideas on how to stay with a program. I am looking for friends to help me stay encouraged


  • GypsyRose25
    GypsyRose25 Posts: 407
    I am the world's biggest procrastinator! Why in the world do something today that you can put off until tomorrow, right? I have found that what I need to do is mentally yell at myself to get stuff done. I exercise in the mornings or I won't do it at all. It's not easy, but just push yourself to do it, no matter what. And take it one day at a time. Don't tell yourself that you are going to do this everyday, just tell yourself that today you are going to eat well and exercise!

    You can do it! Just take that step...

    And add me as a friend if you would like!
  • Picky_nikki
    Picky_nikki Posts: 405 Member
    Start today! ...not tomorrow, or Monday... As there are always more tomorrows, but only THIS today!

    Are you competitive? Join an online challenge... whether it is fitness, or weight related, they are a great motivators!

    Bribe yourself... promise yourself little rewards for reaching goals. From buying that new nail polish colour you wanted, or experiencing a new activity...

    Other than that, everyone is different as to what gets them motivated... Remember that you should be doing this to live a long healthy life and the rest is a nice side effect! ;)
  • sreece13
    sreece13 Posts: 12
    Well for me...seeing progress and feeling better about myself really helps with my motivation. In the beginning I hit some plateaus and was very, very frustrated and wanted to quit, but I didnt. I kept at it and finally things started moving along again. Also, having a workout buddy can be a really good way to stay accountable, as long as they are serious about getting fit too and not going to help you justify not going to the gym. As far as the eating goes...look in some cookbooks and find ideas of low calorie meals that you would enjoy and tweak the ingredients to make them work for you and your family. I tend to eat the same few things alot, but change up the vegetables and meats that I incorporate into those meals so that I don't get bored. Getting healthy can be fun and the high I get after working out makes me wonder why I haven't been living like this my whole life!! Best of luck to you :)