weight loss hypnotherapy

i was wondering if anyone here had had this or the hypno gastric band thing(where you are just made to believe you have had the op)
i have found someone local that does this and i was looking for people's experiences before making a definite decision


  • JujiBean
    JujiBean Posts: 187
    I wasn't a big believer in hypnosis until I watched my computer geek hubby under a trance in Las Vegas. Up on the stage, not a care in the world, TAKING HIS CLOTHES OFF in front of 300 people! Now I'm a believer.

    Will it work for you? No idea. But, if it does work, wouldn't it be wonderful to get the benefits of surgery withouth the danger?

    I'd give it a go!

    BTW, the hypnotist, after the show, told me that my hubby was probably so receptive because he had worked out hard at the hotel, then had a mai tai in the bar before the curtain. Food for thought.