too much protein?



  • cheftrish
    cheftrish Posts: 9
    I have to say that Im amazed at what Im reading. if I were to burn 3,000 calories in one day, and eat 2,000 calories in one meal at 8pm at night... I will not lose the weight. You might... it could be luck, but long term you are really only hurting your body. I thought the whole idea of this is being healthy. Understanding the chemistry of our bodies... your body will begin to shut down after so many hours of not getting food (fuel) It will go into survival mode thinking that you are starving and begin to hold onto the fat/calories that you do get. Our bodies can be like a car. It needs fuel througout the day. I like what you said about reading more. And I will tell you everything I have read for the past year supports the multiple meals, and portion control on the protein. Your body can only absorb so much protein in one sitting. Its a waste of protein eating any more than your body needs. How much you need obviously depends on your body type. Each person has to figure that out for themselves. One or two websites stating "doesnt matter what time, how much, etc" doesnt make it so. I can create my own website and put stuff out there. Know who you are getting your information from, what their education level is, and be able to support it with statisitcs, medical research, etc. Be informed! Be educated! Understand Chemistry, understand medical terminology, and understand your OWN body. In addition, I read that website/article. While there are a few who did lose weight. those were all controlled studies and there is no longterm information. Some of that stuff dates back to 1987.... I dont know that I want to go off weight loss from that far back. Just my humble opinion here.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    I have to say that Im amazed at what Im reading. if I were to burn 3,000 calories in one day, and eat 2,000 calories in one meal at 8pm at night... I will not lose the weight. You might... it could be luck, but long term you are really only hurting your body. I thought the whole idea of this is being healthy. Understanding the chemistry of our bodies... your body will begin to shut down after so many hours of not getting food (fuel) It will go into survival mode thinking that you are starving and begin to hold onto the fat/calories that you do get. Our bodies can be like a car. It needs fuel througout the day. I like what you said about reading more. And I will tell you everything I have read for the past year supports the multiple meals, and portion control on the protein. Your body can only absorb so much protein in one sitting. Its a waste of protein eating any more than your body needs. How much you need obviously depends on your body type. Each person has to figure that out for themselves. One or two websites stating "doesnt matter what time, how much, etc" doesnt make it so. I can create my own website and put stuff out there. Know who you are getting your information from, what their education level is, and be able to support it with statisitcs, medical research, etc. Be informed! Be educated! Understand Chemistry, understand medical terminology, and understand your OWN body. In addition, I read that website/article. While there are a few who did lose weight. those were all controlled studies and there is no longterm information. Some of that stuff dates back to 1987.... I dont know that I want to go off weight loss from that far back. Just my humble opinion here.

    Again, what you're stating isn't backed by science.

    Once again for the UNCONVINCED.

    IF YOU EAT A CALORIC DEFICIT. YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT. It does NOT matter if you pack it in ONE or TWO meals or spread it over 10 meals. It's Calories in vs Calories out.

    I know ALOT of bodybuilders and athletes that do not only do carb cycling, but also they FAST over 16 hours a day and then have an 7-8 hour feeding period and have not only lost weight but they burned fat, created muscle and have stayed COMPETITION lean without the use of performance enhancements other than Creatine.

    Please stop spreading false information. Make LEGITIMATE arguements backed by SCIENCE.