Aquarist - a fishkeeping hobby :)



  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I used to keep a 300gal planted tank. I really enjoyed the challenge of maintaining the balance necessary to keep the plants thriving, without Co2 injection etc. It's been a few years lol...and my choice of fish wasn't exactly conventional...but it worked well lol.

    I'll have to see if I can dig up any pictures. They're all mostly on my old it may not be possible.
  • NoWeighJose74
    NoWeighJose74 Posts: 581 Member
    Glad rhis thread got back up and running, stunning Discus tank there mate! Be proud! How do you add photos to threads and ill pop some on, update on my tank.

    3 bristlenose pleco, think they are all male :s still juvies and difficult to tell
    Albino Mystis mycetus catfish
    1 male yellow lab
    3 zebra reefs ice blue 1f 2m
    1 male Alonacara stuartgarnti
    2 male Copdiochromis borleyi
    And another bright blue mbuna iv yet to identify,
    Will be adding another 4 in next fortnight :)

    You have to upload them to a hosting site. I use photobucket. Then you can link them from there.
  • NoWeighJose74
    NoWeighJose74 Posts: 581 Member
    I used to keep a 300gal planted tank. I really enjoyed the challenge of maintaining the balance necessary to keep the plants thriving, without Co2 injection etc. It's been a few years lol...and my choice of fish wasn't exactly conventional...but it worked well lol.

    I'll have to see if I can dig up any pictures. They're all mostly on my old it may not be possible.

    Man I'd kill for a 300gal! I've been tempted to upsize, but my wife would probably kill me lol.

    I have high lighting, so I'm using CO2 injection and dry fertilizer supplementation. My largest discus is about 7" across.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I used to keep a 300gal planted tank. I really enjoyed the challenge of maintaining the balance necessary to keep the plants thriving, without Co2 injection etc. It's been a few years lol...and my choice of fish wasn't exactly conventional...but it worked well lol.

    I'll have to see if I can dig up any pictures. They're all mostly on my old it may not be possible.

    Man I'd kill for a 300gal! I've been tempted to upsize, but my wife would probably kill me lol.

    I have high lighting, so I'm using CO2 injection and dry fertilizer supplementation. My largest discus is about 7" across.

    It was fun...the thing was basically a room divider. My wife both loved, and hated it.

    For lighting, I was using (yes, and when I say it worked...I was selling plants on aquaria central like mad) four Home Depot reflected shop lights (I believe T8...been awhile) with the best bulbs home depot had. I used strictly bio filtration, and kept enough plecos to keep the algae down. I supplemented their food with tablets as well...and used half the recommended dosage of liquid fertilizer. I can't remember the brand name...but it's the one everyone uses. I used the 3m acrylic pool sand, in the way. Awesome stuff once you get it to settle. I had some really cool driftwood, too.

    Everyone told me the thing wouldn't As I kept posting more and more pictures though...the results surprised even me. It ended up a beautiful tank...planted only slightly heavier than yours...but with slightly less ground cover.