Grammar Police



  • LaPistolaSexola
    LaPistolaSexola Posts: 243 Member
    The little "G" in my signature is a Grammar Nazi symbol I thought was amusing. Unfortunately I find myself caring less and less.
    i thought i was your little G :grumble:
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    It irritates the piss out of me when people correct others grammar. They really need to get a life. Honestly!
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I don't disagree with what you are saying, but it baffles me that people don't understand contractions. I mean, they teach that in grade 2...

    Like binary_jester, I care less and less about spelling and grammar on this site. I have been broken.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    YES! YES! YES! YES! :bigsmile:

    I was so angry the other day. I saw a post where this lady poured out her story. She was struggling and needed encouragement. The "Grammar Police" attacked her over punctuation! By the end of the thread she was planning on walking away from MFP. :mad:

    A few days ago I was responding to a post about homeschooling and BAM- Grammar Police! Same girl starts in again. :explode:

    What do they think they are accomplishing? We are here to get healthy not be "schooled" about our use of commas!!!!!!!

    Thanks for giving me a place to vent this.

    I do sometimes get people about grammar, I'll admit. Nothing more irritating than someone showing how dumb they are by typing like a tween girl on a cell phone. Usually its when they use words that don't mean what they think they mean, or shorten EVERYTHING they type.

    However, I try to also respond and provide some good input at the same time, rather than just criticize.

    Might want to proof this :wink:

  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    I haven't been a victim of the grammar police yet, i'm surprised but sometimes those who do that might want to consider that not all of MFP users have english as their first language.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    YES! YES! YES! YES! :bigsmile:

    I was so angry the other day. I saw a post where this lady poured out her story. She was struggling and needed encouragement. The "Grammar Police" attacked her over punctuation! By the end of the thread she was planning on walking away from MFP. :mad:

    A few days ago I was responding to a post about homeschooling and BAM- Grammar Police! Same girl starts in again. :explode:

    What do they think they are accomplishing? We are here to get healthy not be "schooled" about our use of commas!!!!!!!

    Thanks for giving me a place to vent this.

    That's exactly it. I guess it all comes down to why we're here. Some folks may be here to show the rest just how stinkin' smart they are. If that's their goal, then playing grammar police is a given. However, if we're here to be helpful, playing the intellectual snob isn't the way to do it. If we understand the point being made, better we offer helpful advice rather than hold someone up to public ridicule because they're not as smart (or not as good at expressing their smarts) as we are.

    For the record, I am spectacularly anal about my grammar. Sure, I make mistakes, but I am a writer by profession. As a result, I notice most mistakes. However, I'm not here to edit, proofread, or otherwise correct other people's writing. I'm here to be helped and, hopefully, be of some help to others. Hard to do when going through each post with a red pencil.

  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    For the most part, I never comment on someone's grammar, punctuation or spelling. As long as I can read what they've typed and understand it, then I try to stay on topic. That's not to say that egregious mistakes don't bother me, because they do. Typically I find myself editing someone's post in my head on a line-by-line basis. I correct the contractions, spelling, punctuation, sentence construction, etc in my head so that it makes sense to me; but, I never tell anyone that I do that. It's just something I do on my own because English comes very easily to me.

    The only time I have a problem is when I see a wall of text and absolutely zero periods or capitalized letters in it. If I have to sit here and figure out where one sentence ends and another begins, then you're wasting my time. No, this isn't English class, but at least have some courtesy for the people that have to read what you're trying to say.
  • tammykoon
    tammykoon Posts: 298 Member
    YES! YES! YES! YES! :bigsmile:

    I was so angry the other day. I saw a post where this lady poured out her story. She was struggling and needed encouragement. The "Grammar Police" attacked her over punctuation! By the end of the thread she was planning on walking away from MFP. :mad:

    A few days ago I was responding to a post about homeschooling and BAM- Grammar Police! Same girl starts in again. :explode:

    What do they think they are accomplishing? We are here to get healthy not be "schooled" about our use of commas!!!!!!!

    Thanks for giving me a place to vent this.

    I do sometimes get people about grammar, I'll admit. Nothing more irritating than someone showing how dumb they are by typing like a tween girl on a cell phone. Usually its when they use words that don't mean what they think they mean, or shorten EVERYTHING they type.

    However, I try to also respond and provide some good input at the same time, rather than just criticize.

    Might want to proof this :wink:


    Nope. Lol

    I know I am not perfect. It doesn't bother me to make mistakes or when other people (pleople, ploplpe, etc lol) make them.

    I laugh and chuckle like the rest of you. My point was if someone is pouring out there heart and all a person can come up with is "you need to use commas", they arn't being very respectful.

    Another thing to consider is disablities. I am a dyslexic typer. I check my post over, and over just to make sure the words arn't backwords. I also have vision problems and there are times I am viewing the screen at over 250% larger just to focus.

    I love a good joke. But there is a time and a place for them. (Like the poop post that was up yesterday- the typos on there were epic!) But to ignore someones pain to point out their punctuation, give me a break! (or should I say brake? - LOL)
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    I can't spell, have bad grammer and I am not super bright... But I know how to love peopel and that is enough for me. :flowerforyou:

    I think I just fell in love !!!!!!!! LOL you are awesome
  • Hottness4Lyfe
    Hottness4Lyfe Posts: 321 Member
    I live with the grammer police....(my 19 year old)... When she polices me I usually send her a text saying..."Phuck correct that spelling"....:explode:
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    I have said this before, this is not MyGrammarPal this is MyFitnessPal. If we want a grammar lesson we can go to school. I type letters and docs all day long. The last thing I am going to do is worry about my grammar, etc. when I am typing in a forum on my personal time.

    Voice your opinion or get fired up over something that really matters in the world, not over someones grammatical errors.
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    I live with the grammer police....(my 19 year old)... When she polices me I usually send her a text saying..."Phuck correct that spelling"....:explode:
  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    Hrrrrmmmm....I'm a bit of a grammar snob. Although, most of the time, I keep it to myself. But I do cringe every time I see loose instead of lose.

    Just sayin.....:smile:

    Totally agree!! :laugh:
  • lolathompson
    lolathompson Posts: 70 Member
    I live with the grammer police....(my 19 year old)... When she polices me I usually send her a text saying..."Phuck correct that spelling"....:explode:

    I love it!
  • LaPistolaSexola
    LaPistolaSexola Posts: 243 Member
    I have said this before, this is not MyGrammarPal this is MyFitnessPal. If we want a grammar lesson we can go to school. I type letters and docs all day long. The last thing I am going to do is worry about my grammar, etc. when I am typing in a forum on my personal time.

    Voice your opinion or get fired up over something that really matters in the world, not over someones grammatical errors.

    but it's okay to get fired up over other people getting fired up for their pet peeves, right?

  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    I have said this before, this is not MyGrammarPal this is MyFitnessPal. If we want a grammar lesson we can go to school. I type letters and docs all day long. The last thing I am going to do is worry about my grammar, etc. when I am typing in a forum on my personal time.

    Voice your opinion or get fired up over something that really matters in the world, not over someones grammatical errors.

    but it's okay to get fired up over other people getting fired up for their pet peeves, right?


    Good point! But, I am not fired up, just voicing my opinion.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have a degree in English and I write and edit for a living. Even *I* can't stand the grammar/spelling police. A message board is not the place for it.
  • OGFleabag
    OGFleabag Posts: 137 Member
    I can't spell, have bad grammer and I am not super bright... But I know how to love peopel and that is enough for me. :flowerforyou:

    this. thanks for that. It is the only thing that matters in the end isn't it?
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    I live with the grammer police....(my 19 year old)... When she polices me I usually send her a text saying..."Phuck correct that spelling"....:explode:

    your my hero !!!!!
  • tammykoon
    tammykoon Posts: 298 Member
    I have a degree in English and I write and edit for a living. Even *I* can't stand the grammar/spelling police. A message board is not the place for it.

    :smile: Thank you.