Weighing more in the morning



  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    I have the same thing, but it's switched! I used to weight rock bottom first thing after I woke up. Now I weigh 3 or more pounds MORE first thing in the morning--it's the afternoons (around 3 pm) when I weight the least.

    I must have changed something in my routine. Not sure what, but I sure do know when to weigh myself, huh?

  • naku
    naku Posts: 109 Member
    I have been doing intermediate fasting so no, I don't normally have breakfast (mostly only on the weekends).
    Your theory would make sense also! Thanks for the input... maybe my body actually is just smarter than myself with this stuff :)

    Confusing is though that sometimes I actually seem to gain during the night. This doesn't happen often but isn't unheard of... but I still wont admit to seep snacking/drinking! :D
    This is reasonable. Your body's digestive rate and stress levels plays a role too. I'm curious, you mentioned coffee, but do you eat breakfast? If not, maybe your body finishes last nights meals and reserves between then and lunch and has learned not to get rid of everything until new fuel comes in.
    I think many people on here are so used to people freaking out about things the scale is doing that they're not sure how to respond to a logistical question...lol

    Anyway, I think there could be any number of reasons why this happens. I know it has happened to me quite regularly. Sometimes I eat a heavy (or late) dinner the night before, sometimes I sleep late or don't sleep well, and sometimes my body just hasn't completely purged itself of the day priors "trappings". Some of those things, purging, rest, digestion, don't complete themselves until later that day, and that's when I weigh less.

    It could just be that your clock is running a little later than all of the other weigh-less-in-the-morning folks.

    Thanks for your reply!

    I hadn't even thought about the part that actual sleep plays in this, silly me. Might be something to do with that as I have to admit being really stressed out by work for the past few months and not sleeping well at all...

    Thankfully there is a long holiday just 2 weeks away.... can't wait.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Weigh yourself once per week at the same day and time each week. Your weight fluctuates many times during the day and from one day to the next. You're going to drive yourself bonkers weighing yourself at different times of the day like this. I stick to Wednesday mornings before work (Wednesday = weigh in, that way I remember it easier).
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    That happens to me sometimes when I eat a high sodium and/or high carb dinner too. Usually by the time I'm up and around for a few hours and get some fluids in me, I've managed to purge the excess and am at least back to normal.

    Your lack of sleep and stress levels may have something to do with it too. I'm not clear on the science behind cortisol levels but I do know they can effect weight a great deal. Maybe try some yoga/meditation to help with stress?
    Hope things improve for you soon!
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    I had to find a level spot in my bathroom to stop the large difference from happening. I didnt know my floor was off - but I read a leveled spot is usually right in front of the toilet or like right under the door frame (few inches back). Now my readings make sense.

    Another thing is, if I sleep late and then weigh myself I notice I can weigh more. Seems I weigh less before like before 7:30ish but not before 5am. Maybe its the body holding more water the longer you sleep? The nights when I pee throughout the night I look forward to my morning weigh in!
  • naku
    naku Posts: 109 Member
    Weigh yourself once per week at the same day and time each week. Your weight fluctuates many times during the day and from one day to the next. You're going to drive yourself bonkers weighing yourself at different times of the day like this. I stick to Wednesday mornings before work (Wednesday = weigh in, that way I remember it easier).

    thanks for reading the post.... NOT.
  • naku
    naku Posts: 109 Member
    That happens to me sometimes when I eat a high sodium and/or high carb dinner too. Usually by the time I'm up and around for a few hours and get some fluids in me, I've managed to purge the excess and am at least back to normal.

    Your lack of sleep and stress levels may have something to do with it too. I'm not clear on the science behind cortisol levels but I do know they can effect weight a great deal. Maybe try some yoga/meditation to help with stress?
    Hope things improve for you soon!

    Yeah I'm pretty sure my absolutely horrible sleeping patterns are playing some part... I haven't even been able to excercise properly which would most probably help. Just haven't had enough time!
    As autumn rolls in this should change though and I'm hoping my holiday in just a few weeks time will make a difference too.

  • LoveAlwaysAlisa
    LoveAlwaysAlisa Posts: 111 Member
    If you had too much sodium the previous day you may be retaining water.....I know that happens to me...I'll be about 2 pounds heavier the next morning and bloated if I eat too much sodium. Drink more water.
  • doneatfour
    doneatfour Posts: 120 Member
    I really think it has something to do with sleep. I've noticed that when I have poor sleep (less time or broken sleep), I weigh more in the morning. Take a nap, and I usually weigh less. Something to do with the release of growth hormone during deep sleep. Now I still weigh in the morning, but wait until late afternoon to record it.