Taking obese children from their parents???



  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    You may as well raise your children in the ghetto, because you're killing them anyway with what you're feeding them.

    I agree!
  • Typhanee83
    Typhanee83 Posts: 313 Member
    I don’t believe this is a “crock of crap.” I am a mother of 2 ½ year old twins, and I work full time. My husband lost his job 2 years ago and has been unable to find work. Unemployment has ran out, and I supposedly “make too much” for a family of 4 in my state to qualify for state assistance for food. We barely make it by. But we do it. I’m not saying that I don’t buy healthy food for my kids. That statement is not true. We do it because we know it’s important and we sacrifice other things so that we can all live a healthy lifestyle. I’m not talking about the people who go out and buy fast food for their kids, that is NOT cheaper than buying healthy groceries. But UNHEALTHY GROCERIES ARE CHEAPER, at least at my local grocery store. Kind of stereotypical that you say the ones who can’t afford the healthy groceries can afford cigarettes and alcohol. My husband and I DO NOT SMOKE or DRINK! I do agree that some parents out there would much rather get their nicotine or alcohol fix than buy healthy groceries. But I for one, am not one of those people.

    I feel bad for the parents who cannot afford healthy food for their kids to eat. I’m sure there are the lazy ones who would much rather buy fast food than cook a healthy meal for their children, but there are some that legitimately just do not have the money to feed their kids healthy meals. I completely agree that it is SO MUCH MORE expensive to buy healthier choices these days. A box of hamburger helper is what, 98 cents? But anything fresh or healthy, it so much more expensive. The 27% fat ground hamburger is twice as expensive as the 7% lean ground turkey! It’s absolutely outrageous! And I am one of those people that make a little too much for state assistance, but cannot afford healthy groceries. Luckily, I have loving parents who help out once in a while so we can afford to buy those healthier groceries for ourselves and our children. But some people aren’t so lucky.

    The thing is the majority of people who say they can't afford healthy food........again, a crock of crap, are the same ones who can afford cigarettes and alcohol. It is just not more expensive to eat healthy.
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    I think if you want to eat healthy you can. Im sure those grocery bills would go down if there was some serious portion control too. Again, PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.

    Im sure there is a small percentage that has an actual medical condition. However, they cant afford not to eat better. PERIOD. We have become a nation (USA) of excuses. Losers make excuses Winners get it done! (sorry an old boss used to say that! he was a former football coach!) but its true.
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    I don’t believe this is a “crock of crap.” I am a mother of 2 ½ year old twins, and I work full time. My husband lost his job 2 years ago and has been unable to find work. Unemployment has ran out, and I supposedly “make too much” for a family of 4 in my state to qualify for state assistance for food. We barely make it by. But we do it. I’m not saying that I don’t buy healthy food for my kids. That statement is not true. We do it because we know it’s important and we sacrifice other things so that we can all live a healthy lifestyle. I’m not talking about the people who go out and buy fast food for their kids, that is NOT cheaper than buying healthy groceries. But UNHEALTHY GROCERIES ARE CHEAPER, at least at my local grocery store. Kind of stereotypical that you say the ones who can’t afford the healthy groceries can afford cigarettes and alcohol. My husband and I DO NOT SMOKE or DRINK! I do agree that some parents out there would much rather get their nicotine or alcohol fix than buy healthy groceries. But I for one, am not one of those people.

    Agreed!!! I'm buying for a family of 5, it's expensive no matter what I buy, but whole foods are more.
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Taking them away for something like this will only get them really @#$@#$ up kids. Overweight does not mean abused!!! Great, take a perfectly happy and emotionally intact child and rip them away from their mother. Idiots, Idiots, Idiots!

    Oh wait, funds get directed to the child services programs based on how many kids are taken and sent to foster homes.

    The right thing is to butt out period or offer an opt in program. Next it will be abuse because you live in a polluted area with poor air quality. SO they take your kids just to move them where the air is cleaner.
  • Typhanee83
    Typhanee83 Posts: 313 Member
    I totally agree! THANK YOU!
    I don’t believe this is a “crock of crap.” I am a mother of 2 ½ year old twins, and I work full time. My husband lost his job 2 years ago and has been unable to find work. Unemployment has ran out, and I supposedly “make too much” for a family of 4 in my state to qualify for state assistance for food. We barely make it by. But we do it. I’m not saying that I don’t buy healthy food for my kids. That statement is not true. We do it because we know it’s important and we sacrifice other things so that we can all live a healthy lifestyle. I’m not talking about the people who go out and buy fast food for their kids, that is NOT cheaper than buying healthy groceries. But UNHEALTHY GROCERIES ARE CHEAPER, at least at my local grocery store. Kind of stereotypical that you say the ones who can’t afford the healthy groceries can afford cigarettes and alcohol. My husband and I DO NOT SMOKE or DRINK! I do agree that some parents out there would much rather get their nicotine or alcohol fix than buy healthy groceries. But I for one, am not one of those people.

    Agreed!!! I'm buying for a family of 5, it's expensive no matter what I buy, but whole foods are more.
  • nurse_carolyn
    Taking them away for something like this will only get them really @#$@#$ up kids. Overweight does not mean abused!!! Great, take a perfectly happy and emotionally intact child and rip them away from their mother. Idiots, Idiots, Idiots!

    Oh wait, funds get directed to the child services programs based on how many kids are taken and sent to foster homes.

    Agreed......maybe it would be better to spend the funds on education and support programs for these families. My sister-in-law works as a person who will come into your home, shop with you, cook with you and help you to prepare your meals and educate you along the way. Once you show these people and give them the tools to cook and eat healthy they can do it themselves from then on.
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    And for those that may be on state assistance...I have never seen a food stamp machine at a farmers market.
  • sushisuzi2
    sushisuzi2 Posts: 111 Member
    Oh, hell no, don't let the government come and take your kids! EDUCATE.

    I'm gone from home 15 hours a day. I'm addicted to $1 fast food, and clearance aisles at the grocery store. Gotta do what you gotta do. That said, I have them MY way, without the processed cheese and mayo, etc.
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    Oh, hell no, don't let the government come and take your kids! EDUCATE.

    I'm gone from home 15 hours a day. I'm addicted to $1 fast food, and clearance aisles at the grocery store. Gotta do what you gotta do. That said, I have them MY way, without the processed cheese and mayo, etc.

    Yeah that 300 calorie salad from McDonald's is 3 times as much as expensive as the $1 mcdouble. I know that for a fact!
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    if im not mistaken I believe WIC has a farmers market program.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    The govt stepping in and taking children, unless it is straight up child abuse, is never good. For the most part, the govt causes more problems than it solves.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    I think the government should take the parents away from the kid..............PAUSE
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    if im not mistaken I believe WIC has a farmers market program.

    But you have to have children under 3 or something right? Won't do much good if my child is still on formula or baby food is what I'm trying to get at. And I think here in Oklahoma they have the WIC sheets that state what they can get? I just don't see how it would work for the farmers that are bringing their goods. Do they get reimbursed by the state?
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I think the government should take the parents away from the kid..............PAUSE
    I wonder how many congress members have "weight appropriate" children.
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    I think the government should take the parents away from the kid..............PAUSE
    I wonder how many congress members have "weight appropriate" children.

    I wonder how many congress members are "weight appropriate"
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I think the government should take the parents away from the kid..............PAUSE
    I wonder how many congress members have "weight appropriate" children.

    I wonder how many congress members are "weight appropriate"
    Pffft...there is no hypocrisy in government!
  • Jaradel
    Jaradel Posts: 143 Member
    In my experience, the price per pound for hamburger meat goes up in roughly 50-cent increments, when the percentage of fat in the meat goes down. I usually get 90% lean hamburger meat, but I wait for it to go on sale if I can, because it can be $1 - $1.50 *per pound* more expensive than the 75% lean meat. That's just one example of healthier food being more expensive. Also, organic foods tend to cost more, from what I've seen on my shopping trips (the packaged stuff moreso than the produce, though).

    I can't even fathom what a child of 10 or 11 years, weighing 300 lbs, must look like. There's got to be more to it than just fast food. The average kid can get away with eating a small portion of fast food now and then and not be morbidly obese. There must be a lack of supervision going hand in hand with the fast food for a kid to gain that much weight at that age. I'm thinking that the child had unlimited access to food at home and very little supervision, and probably little to no physical activity. We all know how easy it is, as an adult, to sit in front of the television and mindlessly inhale a big bag of potato crisps or a package of cookies, right? It's just as easy for a kid to do it, when there's not an adult around to tell them not to.

    That being said, taking a child away from their parents should be the very last resort in this situation. I wonder if there was any attempt to allow the mother to try and correct the situation on her own before the government stepped in. So sad. A child should not have to suffer obesity, but neither should they have to suffer an unwanted separation from their parents, which is an emotional trauma in and of itself.
  • sushisuzi2
    sushisuzi2 Posts: 111 Member
    Yeah that 300 calorie salad from McDonald's is 3 times as much as expensive as the $1 mcdouble. I know that for a fact!

    And I am hungry faster off the salad. I get the McDouble plain, meat and bread. (until I get tired of them and switch to Jack in the Box, which btw, the deluxe $1 burger when you remove the cheese and mayo, aren't that bad)
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    Here is a thought, why don't they take the time and money they put into taking these children from parents that are trying there best, and use it to help reduce the cost of healthier food options? Seems abit much if you ask me, a mom trying her best working 2 jobs to make it and they take her child. That is pretty messed up!