Which exercise should I do? (DVDs)

Hey all!
Basically, I began Jillian Michaels' 30DS last week. After doing 4 days, my knees completely gave out and I haven't done any exercise since! They have since healed, but the impact on my knees has scared me to continue doing the shred!
I am age 18, being 5 foot 5", and have 6lbs to lose (and to tone up of course!!) so, I was hoping my fellow MFPers could offer some advice.
Should I continue with the 30DS when I have completely healed up?
Should I do the No More Trouble Zones DVD instead?
Or maybe perhaps the Burn Fat Boost Metabolism one?
As I said, I have 6lbs to lose, and I am calorie counting each day.
All advice is warmly welcomed!
Huge thankyou in advance to any contributions!!! Xoxo