Hubby won't jump on the bandwagon...HELP!!!



  • jdubs1201
    jdubs1201 Posts: 61
    Depends on his personality. Some guys respond well with the serious sit-down talks, some don't. Sounds like your hubby doesn't. I would suggest ditching that approach entirely - it might only make things worse. You don't want him to have a vendetta against the idea of exercising! At that point, even if he wants to work out, he won't out of spite. Sorry, we men are like that =/

    Here are a few things that might work on him...
    1) If you go for walks with your son, invite your hubby to come along. 'When' you do this might be trial and error. Right when he gets home from work might be a good time, so you can say "once we get home from the walk, you can chill out for the rest of the evening." Or, it might work better if he comes home, gets a shower and maybe some food in him, and then go for an evening walk. Either way, tell him to come with you and tell you about his day. Don't make it a long walk - aim for only 15 minutes or so (not 15 minutes one way, then 15 back either!) This walk won't be about you and your exercising, but to hopefully get him going. After a while of this, he might be down with going for longer walks. It's all about getting him started.

    2) Get a dog and do the same as step 1!

    3) While they're a little expensive, look into a Nintendo Wii or XBox Kinnect (I can't recommend PS Move cause I've never used it). There are some fun games for those that will get him moving.

    4) Does he still have his own weights? Going to the gym for an out-of-shape guy who doesn't want to work out is like going to the dentist to get a cavity pulled. If he has his own weight set it might motivate him more so he can work out in the comfort of his own home without all the pressures of the gym. However, if he doesn't have his own weights, I wouldn't suggest going and getting him some until he is actually a little motivated to use them.

    5) Does he have any friends that work out (or would want to start working out)? While this has the potential to hurt you some ("why will he work out with his friends and not his wife?"), again, this is about him getting started. Some guys respond much better to a friend than a wife - again, sorry that's the way we are... pride sucks. =/

    I don't know of any DVDs for home workouts that aren't so "chick" oriented (my wife is into Denise Austin and that's a no-no for me!) But there are a LOT of videos on YouTube for all levels of fitness. That's where I get a lot of my exercises... plus, they're only 3-5 minute videos which is AWESOME for us short-attention-span fellows!

    Hoping the best for you guys (and everyone else who has posted here that they're going through the same thing).

  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    I wouldn't do a chick workout either! I don't need to know that I can do keegles wile stretching.

    The only thing I ever did like that was Dance Dance revolution and Wii fitness.

    I had better luck in the winter with an elliptical with the tv in front of me.

    Actually the Jillian dvds are NOTHING like that....they're pretty intense and have challenged me more and gotten me better results than the elliptical ever has. If guys don't want to partake in the chick workouts then that's their choice and I respect it. I merely invited him. But don't discredit the chick workouts by making snide remarks about kegels, that is very rude.
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    Depends on his personality. Some guys respond well with the serious sit-down talks, some don't. Sounds like your hubby doesn't. I would suggest ditching that approach entirely - it might only make things worse. You don't want him to have a vendetta against the idea of exercising! At that point, even if he wants to work out, he won't out of spite. Sorry, we men are like that =/

    Here are a few things that might work on him...
    1) If you go for walks with your son, invite your hubby to come along. 'When' you do this might be trial and error. Right when he gets home from work might be a good time, so you can say "once we get home from the walk, you can chill out for the rest of the evening." Or, it might work better if he comes home, gets a shower and maybe some food in him, and then go for an evening walk. Either way, tell him to come with you and tell you about his day. Don't make it a long walk - aim for only 15 minutes or so (not 15 minutes one way, then 15 back either!) This walk won't be about you and your exercising, but to hopefully get him going. After a while of this, he might be down with going for longer walks. It's all about getting him started.

    2) Get a dog and do the same as step 1!

    3) While they're a little expensive, look into a Nintendo Wii or XBox Kinnect (I can't recommend PS Move cause I've never used it). There are some fun games for those that will get him moving.

    4) Does he still have his own weights? Going to the gym for an out-of-shape guy who doesn't want to work out is like going to the dentist to get a cavity pulled. If he has his own weight set it might motivate him more so he can work out in the comfort of his own home without all the pressures of the gym. However, if he doesn't have his own weights, I wouldn't suggest going and getting him some until he is actually a little motivated to use them.

    5) Does he have any friends that work out (or would want to start working out)? While this has the potential to hurt you some ("why will he work out with his friends and not his wife?"), again, this is about him getting started. Some guys respond much better to a friend than a wife - again, sorry that's the way we are... pride sucks. =/

    I don't know of any DVDs for home workouts that aren't so "chick" oriented (my wife is into Denise Austin and that's a no-no for me!) But there are a LOT of videos on YouTube for all levels of fitness. That's where I get a lot of my exercises... plus, they're only 3-5 minute videos which is AWESOME for us short-attention-span fellows!

    Hoping the best for you guys (and everyone else who has posted here that they're going through the same thing).


    Thank you very much! Sounds like you know exactly what you're talking about. He was going on walks with me and our son for a while and he kind of fell out of that routine too. I think I'll try to get him going again. Maybe if I can just get him to lose a few pounds from walking, other stuff will be less daunting.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    But don't discredit the chick workouts by making snide remarks about kegels, that is very rude.

    I didn't mean to be rude at all. As a guy, when I think of "chick workouts" those are the kinds of things I think about, and its an instant, "no thank you." I can only give you my take on it. I admit that I am very misinformed about them.
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    But don't discredit the chick workouts by making snide remarks about kegels, that is very rude.

    I didn't mean to be rude at all. As a guy, when I think of "chick workouts" those are the kinds of things I think about, and its an instant, "no thank you." I can only give you my take on it. I admit that I am very misinformed about them.

    Well that's cool. I think it's pretty safe for a guy to attempt one. I have yet to run into a workout dvd that mentions kegels, hormones, pms, tampons or anything of that sort.:wink: Now putting his stationary bike in front of the tv might be an option. Thanks for that one!
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    I sat down and had another talk with my husband on Friday. I pretty much put it all out there for him. I explained how worried I am that he has let his health start to deteriorate. I told him how much I loved him and how much him taking care of himself meant to me and our 1 year old son. I am happy to report that the hubby went on two long walks with me and the baby this weekend. He also asked me to start either making just enough food at meals, or to go ahead and put the leftovers that I would take for my lunch the next day away before he fixes his plate so he won't be tempted to overeat. That's definitely something I can do :smile:
    Lets hope it lasts! Thank you all for your support!
  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
    Good For you!!!! i know it will last if you work with it! he's on now, it's time to strap him in for a long but beneificial journey!!