When do you check your blood sugar levels.

I am a type 2 diabetic and my dr has never given me any clear guidelines on when to check my blood sugar levels. (She never asks about them and never even recommended that I check them) I usually check mine first thing in the morning, but I'm not sure what other times during the day I should take it, or if I should check before or after meals. I'm also not sure if I should check it at the same time everyday or change times that I check each day. I'm not on insulin, just Janumet twice a day. Just wondering when you check yours.


  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    You need to call your doctor and get some specific guidelines. Tell her what you told us.
  • onmywaytoskinny155
    onmywaytoskinny155 Posts: 228 Member
    I say you need to find a new doctor.
  • rainbowbuggy
    rainbowbuggy Posts: 320
    When I was pregnant and I had gestational diabetes, my doc told me to check right before eating and then 2 hours after eating. This was to ensure that I was under control after eating...but I would say call the doc and ask if they want you to be checking more often then you currently are.
  • Steph_Marie29
    Yep. I was a type 2 diabetic, I was always told first thing in the morning, 2 hours after meals.
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    Get a new doctor! If he/she doesn't care about your levels, your health is in danger.

    Type II diabetics don't need to check their levels as often as Type I, but they still do need to check it. My friend is diabetic, and checks hers in the am, right before each meal, and 1-2 hours after. this may be excessive, so you should really talk to your doctor or go see an endocrinologist for better details.
  • EmilySG2011
    My daughter is type I diabetic on an insulin pump. She checks hers first thing in the morning and before meals and bedtime. Especially important to check before exercising--you do not want a huge drop. Always make sure you have extra snacks if exercising away from home. Type 2 is so different from Type 1 though---your Dr. should be giving you more specific instructions--however, I have found this to be the norm for Type 2. For some reason, the medical society does not seem to provide the same education for Type 2 as they do for Type 1. Exercise (especially swimming) does have a HUGE impact on your blood sugar levels though---so be very careful!
  • aehartley
    aehartley Posts: 269 Member
    I am not dabetic ( yet) - the medicine I am on plus my family history my sugar is out of control... unless i eat super clean with little carbs. I check mine first thing, before lunch, an hour after lunch...before and after workouts ( depending on how I feel) and before dinner and after dinner if I feel like a snack. My Dr. told me to do it as often as I thought it nessacary.No one knows your body as well as you do. If it is a good day and things are stable and I can tell they are good. I might skip before dinner or after dinner before snack.

    I know that seems excessive, but in doing it, I can tell how my body reacts to food, and the things going on in the day. I have become more aware of the foods I need and don't. Also it has helped me with loosing weight.
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    I am a Type II Diabetic and was just taking my BS only in the morning before I ate anything. I noticed that my morning BS was high after every night that I had pasta for dinner, so I cut out pasta, then, gradually other things that spiked my BS (ice cream, pie and cake, etc.) I started eating organic fruits and veggies and stopped buying processed/packaged food. After about three months, on the advise of my doctor, I started taking my BS before every meal and before bed. In doing this, I saw that my BS was too low before lunch and dinner, 55-68, hypoglycemic. I got a complete physical with blood work, and I have been taken off three of my high blood pressure meds, one of my diabetes meds and ½ of my high cholesterol meds. My suggestion would be to take your BS before every meal and before bed, see if there are any patterns that have developed, and make adjustments in your diet accordingly. Oh, and get a new doctor.