Bloody mothers!



  • rachel_96
    rachel_96 Posts: 9
    I feel your pain! My mom constantly compares me to other girls my age who have slimmer bodies than me and it's starting to get on my nerves. I feel like she can't except me for who I am now because she's always comparing me to when I was thinner. For example- a few days ago, she was helping me put on tanning lotion while I was in a bathing suit. She looks at my body from up to down and starts to laugh. It's truly horrible how insecure some people can be.
  • Brownski860
    Brownski860 Posts: 361 Member
    totally ignore her, your so much better than that...
    On a SMALL side note..... Be thankful you have a mom. I havent seen/spoken to mine in over 3 years. :frown:
  • hotpot83
    hotpot83 Posts: 88
    Thankfully, I have a very supportive family and group of friends, so most comments to me are along the lines of "well done" and "you're looking great" so I don't have to worry about the negativity. However, there are those few people that don't say it out loud, but I'm sure they're just waiting for another failure, or that next bacon cheeseburger or pizza that will toss me right off the wagon......again. I generally don't tell people that I'm on a diet or that I'm actively trying to lose weight and make life changes because I don't expect certain people to be supportive. With them, I'll just wait until I'm 50lbs down and listen to their praise. All that I can say is that this journey that you're on is YOUR journey. Do it for yourself and don't let the negativity of others get you down. And every time you start to think about failure, just think about the day that you reach your goal weight. For me, it's December of 2012. That seems like a million years away, but it's a heck of a lot better than December 2015.......which is how long I'll have to wait if I keep giving up on myself as I've done in the past. Be strong and know that you really can do it this time. THIS IS IT!!!!

    Your so right, I love your attitude hun-I really do... december 2012 isnt that far away hun, Im sure youll get there... Mine is June 2013... Ill be 30 then... and I want to have lots of lovely pictures in lovely smaller clothes having a lovely time on my birthday :) x
  • hotpot83
    hotpot83 Posts: 88
    totally ignore her, your so much better than that...
    On a SMALL side note..... Be thankful you have a mom. I havent seen/spoken to mine in over 3 years. :frown:

    My mum and I didnt speak for 12 months, but it really made things difficult for my Nan (whom I absolutely adore) so now I talk to my mum but only for family meals with my Nan, I was always a Daddys girl, but he died when I was 16 and I lived with my lovely lovely Nan then... Im sorry you dont speak to your Mum but I bet there are very very good reasons!
  • evilbanks
    evilbanks Posts: 166
    Use it to fuel your motivation and drive. Keep kickin' *kitten*.........
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    you know the best remedy for that. Prove her wrong!! use it as fuel for your fire

    ^^^ THIS!!!

    My Mom is really supportive thankfully but my brother made a comment like that when I announced I was going to try Weight Watchers again at the end of 2009. He kind of rolled his eyes and said "here we go again". I let it go a bit (and by that, I mean I didn't scream "thanks, jerk" at him) and decided I was going to show him!! He's now super supportive and even called me skinny (ha! not yet) the last time I saw him but that incident still pops in to my head now and then when I'm feeling tired and i get pumped again.
  • hotpot83
    hotpot83 Posts: 88
    you know the best remedy for that. Prove her wrong!! use it as fuel for your fire

    ^^^ THIS!!!

    My Mom is really supportive thankfully but my brother made a comment like that when I announced I was going to try Weight Watchers again at the end of 2009. He kind of rolled his eyes and said "here we go again". I let it go a bit (and by that, I mean I didn't scream "thanks, jerk" at him) and decided I was going to show him!! He's now super supportive and even called me skinny (ha! not yet) the last time I saw him but that incident still pops in to my head now and then when I'm feeling tired and i get pumped again.

    Thats a great story-you did bloody show him! fantastic! LOL @ skinny... bet that made you feel brilliant! :D
  • sweetsapphire85
    I've had something similar with my mother. I'm learning to set up boundaries with her, I've told her when she starts being negative minded or critical of me it doesn't help me stick with my plan. So when she says that to me now, I reinforce that i accept her by telling her something simple like "I love you mom, but I have to leave" and I actually leave the house or go out. It was difficult for a bit, but she eventually got the picture and she stops making the comments since that is the only response she gets from me when she behaves that way. It takes a lot of consistency but it has helped.