So.. What if you're the pickiest eater?



  • voluptas63
    voluptas63 Posts: 602 Member
    Why don't you like these foods? And when was the last time you tried the foods you don't like? I used to not like a lot of different foods but when I tried them in my adulthood.... LOVED them! Try them again if it's been a few years. You may like them:)

    You Would! :P

    You're such a dirty dirty c-word. GO AWAY!!
  • shortee75
    shortee75 Posts: 164
    Here are some things I like:

    - steamed brocolli w/butter & salt
    - sauteed yellow squash using EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil)
    >sometimes I will use a seasoned flour to bread the squash first
    - green beans, canned (they are not the best for you, but it's still a vegetable) and add in about a tsp of EVOO for flavor, salt/pepper
    to taste and then let boil until almost all the juice is gone
    - Frozen or canned white shoepeg corn

    My veggie selection is not that grand, but I do try to have at least one of the above with my dinner.

    As for fruits, I'm not extremely picky: apples, oranges, grapes, strawberries, pineapple (have you ever tried grilling your, cherries, and I like the little peach or pear fruit cups as well.

    I am with everyone else - you should try one new vegetable at a time until you find the ones you like and go from there.
  • TaylorRenee09
    Ummm... What?!
  • TaylorRenee09
    Why don't you like these foods? And when was the last time you tried the foods you don't like? I used to not like a lot of different foods but when I tried them in my adulthood.... LOVED them! Try them again if it's been a few years. You may like them:)

    You Would! :P

    You're such a dirty dirty c-word. GO AWAY!!

    Excuse me?!
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Why don't you like these foods? And when was the last time you tried the foods you don't like? I used to not like a lot of different foods but when I tried them in my adulthood.... LOVED them! Try them again if it's been a few years. You may like them:)

    You Would! :P

    Love you, Corn :)

    Taylor - we're old friends... and I just found her out here *LOL*

    You're such a dirty dirty c-word. GO AWAY!!

    Excuse me?!
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Wow... I really hack jobbed where I put my reply. Oops.
  • marquesajen
    marquesajen Posts: 641
    Maybe look around online for a recipe that sounds good to you. I used to be the same way, but I've slowly introduced new things into my diet. Learn how to pick out ripe fruits and veggies, makea list of them and write out what exactly bothers you about them. If it doesn't have much flavor, then you should find a recipe that uses lots of seasonings and a flavorful cooking technique. If it's the texture, how can you make the texture different?

    Like hashbrowns? Maybe shred a zucchini and mix with shredded potato to make some, then slowly add in less potato. Broccoli with cheese? How about a baked dish of cauliflower (they come in alot of colors now!) and broccoli with some gouda cheese sauce? Find a flavorful salad dressing, try making some tropical smoothies that are heavy on pineapple, but also use other fruits to introduce new flavors.

    Basically, you can make the unfamiliar, familiar.
    I hope this helps! Good luck! <3
  • TaylorRenee09
    Maybe look around online for a recipe that sounds good to you. I used to be the same way, but I've slowly introduced new things into my diet. Learn how to pick out ripe fruits and veggies, makea list of them and write out what exactly bothers you about them. If it doesn't have much flavor, then you should find a recipe that uses lots of seasonings and a flavorful cooking technique. If it's the texture, how can you make the texture different?

    Like hashbrowns? Maybe shred a zucchini and mix with shredded potato to make some, then slowly add in less potato. Broccoli with cheese? How about a baked dish of cauliflower (they come in alot of colors now!) and broccoli with some gouda cheese sauce? Find a flavorful salad dressing, try making some tropical smoothies that are heavy on pineapple, but also use other fruits to introduce new flavors.

    Basically, you can make the unfamiliar, familiar.
    I hope this helps! Good luck! <3

    That helped A LOT!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Why don't you like these foods? And when was the last time you tried the foods you don't like? I used to not like a lot of different foods but when I tried them in my adulthood.... LOVED them! Try them again if it's been a few years. You may like them:)

    As a picky eater -- she probably won't be able to tell you WHY she doesn't like a certain food. She simply doesn't. I can't stand broccoli and most fruits. Can I tell you why? No. I really can't. I just can NOT stand them and shudder when I think about eating them.

    Unfortunately, MOST people don't choose to be picky eaters - you just are (and let me tell you that any little "tricks" won't make you STOP being picky).
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I am probably one of the pickiest eaters ever... What if you don't like a lot of things?
    The only fruit I like is Pineapples and I can force myself to eat strawberries sometimes. And broccoli is the only vegatable I like, but it has to have some cheese... I'm not really sure what to do here. Any suggestions?

    Eat them anyway, as you know they are good for you. Eat them fist and chase them with something you do like. Not liking something is no reason to not eat it. how many people hate their job but go because they need the money, well veggies are the same as in you need them regardless if you like them or not.

    There is NO WAY in heck I am eating broccoli or something else I don't like. And comparing eating foods you don't like to going to a job you don't like? Two VERY different things. I HAVE to go to work otherwise I won't have any money. However, hating broccoli and refusing to eat it won't result in me losing my home, my car, etc.

    As a picky eater, I will NOT eat something I don't like - whether it is the best thing on earth for me or not. NO freaking way.
  • TaylorRenee09
    Why don't you like these foods? And when was the last time you tried the foods you don't like? I used to not like a lot of different foods but when I tried them in my adulthood.... LOVED them! Try them again if it's been a few years. You may like them:)

    As a picky eater -- she probably won't be able to tell you WHY she doesn't like a certain food. She simply doesn't. I can't stand broccoli and most fruits. Can I tell you why? No. I really can't. I just can NOT stand them and shudder when I think about eating them.

    Unfortunately, MOST people don't choose to be picky eaters - you just are (and let me tell you that any little "tricks" won't make you STOP being picky).

    Thank you.
    so what do you do about food and such?
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    As far as cheese on broccolli, Velveeta makes a Light version that isnt' too bad. Or have you tried Laughing Cow cheeses? Take the few veggies and fruits that you DO like and google recipes for them. That way you can eat the ones you like w/o getting bored. Try some supplements as well, since you are probably lacking in some essentials vitamins. What about juices? They have a lot of sugars, but you might at least get some servings of your fruits and vegetables, there are so many now that mix the two. Good luck!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I am probably one of the pickiest eaters ever... What if you don't like a lot of things?
    The only fruit I like is Pineapples and I can force myself to eat strawberries sometimes. And broccoli is the only vegatable I like, but it has to have some cheese... I'm not really sure what to do here. Any suggestions?

    I'm an extremely picky eater too. I don't like to try new things and if I've had something once and hated it, I won't ever eat it again. No way. No how. I don't care how many years pass.

    Look up some healthy recipes and give them a try. If you don't like them - don't make them again. :)
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    I am probably one of the pickiest eaters ever... What if you don't like a lot of things?
    The only fruit I like is Pineapples and I can force myself to eat strawberries sometimes. And broccoli is the only vegatable I like, but it has to have some cheese... I'm not really sure what to do here. Any suggestions?

    Eat them anyway, as you know they are good for you. Eat them fist and chase them with something you do like. Not liking something is no reason to not eat it. how many people hate their job but go because they need the money, well veggies are the same as in you need them regardless if you like them or not.

    There is NO WAY in heck I am eating broccoli or something else I don't like. And comparing eating foods you don't like to going to a job you don't like? Two VERY different things. I HAVE to go to work otherwise I won't have any money. However, hating broccoli and refusing to eat it won't result in me losing my home, my car, etc.

    As a picky eater, I will NOT eat something I don't like - whether it is the best thing on earth for me or not. NO freaking way.

    *I'm always chasing you Chevy*

    ^^what she said^^ Telling someone to "buck up and do it anyways" is really not helpful. She asked for suggestions, not criticism

    Taylor, again my suggestion is to venture out into new recipes to find ways to improve the things you do and don't like.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Why don't you like these foods? And when was the last time you tried the foods you don't like? I used to not like a lot of different foods but when I tried them in my adulthood.... LOVED them! Try them again if it's been a few years. You may like them:)

    As a picky eater -- she probably won't be able to tell you WHY she doesn't like a certain food. She simply doesn't. I can't stand broccoli and most fruits. Can I tell you why? No. I really can't. I just can NOT stand them and shudder when I think about eating them.

    Unfortunately, MOST people don't choose to be picky eaters - you just are (and let me tell you that any little "tricks" won't make you STOP being picky).

    Thank you.
    so what do you do about food and such?

    I eat the same things day in and day out.

    I like cauliflower, raw carrots, asparagus and corn. That's about it. Oh and sweet potatoes.

    I like apples, oranges, bananas (in SMALL doses!) and the occasional strawberry.

    Google the foods you DO like and look for recipes that center on those things. Or look up other recipes and take out the stuff you don't like - substitute with what you DO like. It's a bit of work when you're picky, but it CAN be done. :)

    For example, I really like asparagus - so I look for dishes that have say... chicken and asparagus in them. Or I'll have some chicken, brown rice and asparagus.

    Make sure you're taking a vitamin (if you can take them - I can't).
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    As a picky eater -- she probably won't be able to tell you WHY she doesn't like a certain food. She simply doesn't. I can't stand broccoli and most fruits. Can I tell you why? No. I really can't. I just can NOT stand them and shudder when I think about eating them.

    Unfortunately, MOST people don't choose to be picky eaters - you just are (and let me tell you that any little "tricks" won't make you STOP being picky).
  • heatherstiara
    it's ok to be picky taylor, I still love you.

    Btw, do you like pickles.... NOT KIDDING, ZERO CALORIES.
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    I'm curious about people who don't like fruit - do you all remember an instance that turned you off to a particular one? I cannot eat blueberries anymore unless they're in something (like muffins or pancakes - even blueberry pie is too intense now, or blueberry jam), because when I was in high school my parents brought 40 POUNDS of the things home from the farmer's market for canning, pies, etc. Guess who got to clean them all? Uh huh. It wasn't bad at first - I ate a bunch of them and thought I was in heaven - but now? UGH. My dad occasionally will give me a blueberry to see what I will do with it. He usually winds up having to duck.

    And I can't eat honeydew or cantaloupe (or peaches and tomatoes, for that matter) unless they're at the height of ripeness, otherwise they taste like styrofoam and I'm seriously turned off. So that made me wonder if any of the picky folks here have had similar experiences with unripe stuff, or an overabundance of a particular food, and that led to them not liking it?
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I am probably one of the pickiest eaters ever... What if you don't like a lot of things?
    The only fruit I like is Pineapples and I can force myself to eat strawberries sometimes. And broccoli is the only vegatable I like, but it has to have some cheese... I'm not really sure what to do here. Any suggestions?

    I agree with the suggestion to just keep trying. For my entire life, the texture of raw vegetables made me gag. If I forced myself to eat more than a bite, I was in real danger of throwing up. But I kept trying. I found some that weren't too bad, like sliced tomatoes on a sandwich, and kept trying them in different combinations until they became tolerable. Now in the last month or so I've discovered that I can actually eat salad, and enjoy it! If you keep trying these foods that you think you don't like, eventually some of them will become enjoyable for you. Maybe not all of them, but that's ok. Just don't give up on a food because you didn't like it one time. And try the same food prepared in a different way. Maybe you don't like zucchini in a salad, but maybe you'd like it fried, or grilled, or in a zucchini boat. Experiment until you find something that you can enjoy.
  • MsEmmy
    MsEmmy Posts: 254 Member
    I used to be a VERY picky eater and I would just like to throw something else in the mix for those people who say 'grow up and eat it.'
    There are some medical conditions such as Asperger's Syndrome where all senses are heightened. A bit of curry powder feels like your mouth is on fire. Mashed potato feels like it is choking you. An unexpected texture sensation can literally make you retch e.g. biting into a french fry and finding it hasn't cooked through properly. I am not saying that the OP has this, not at all, but try not to judge. My son has AS and I'm sure I'm borderline in some areas. I would hate it if people were looking at my groceries and thinking I'm a bad parent for feeding my son all these beige foods - he'd rather starve than eat anything else.

    To the OP, I just found that as I got older I could try different things, or more importantly, have things in combination (it was mixing stuff up and not knowing what was in it that would throw me.) There are still some foods which have textures that make me want to vomit, such as mushrooms. Don't cook a load of stuff and overface yourself. Literally just add one broccoli floret (or carrot or a few peas) until you get accustomed to the taste and texture. Also remember it takes a few goes for you to become accustomed to a new taste so try it a few times before you dismiss it. Other people have posted some good ideas above.
    Also, maybe when you tried things before it wasn't cooked right - try it different ways. You will also find that as you get healthier you will start wanting different food - I could never understand why someone would choose to eat an orange when there was such a thing as chocolate!! But now sometimes I just want an orange! Good luck :)