Anyone living on Oahu???

Anyone out there living on Oahu in need of a workout partner? We can made this fun, and I can use all the motivation and support I can get. Add Me so we can get started.



  • gaeljo
    gaeljo Posts: 223 Member
    Boy I'd love to live on Oahu, what an incredible place! I was there in November and did my first Triathlon. Man-oh-man is that place spectacular. Lucky you!!!
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Damn about 40 years to late, used to when Dad was in the Air Force, but that was a long time ago, good luck, and send me some fresh pineapple sometime. The thing I miss the most is real, fresh, fruit, you just can't get good pineapple, Lychee nuts, Papaya, guava or mangos over here.