Am I dirty and gross or am I normal and justified??



  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,809 Member doesn't have to be...but by being a careful. There is more chance of a a UTI developing because of the bacteria growth. I would suggest a short 5 minute shower after your walk (use a shower cap if you have dry hair) and then have a 'real' shower when you can. The important thing is to keep yourself 'clean'.

    What she said... I am a stay at home mom, too and it is hard at times. Just jump in the shower for a short shower. If your are late making hubbies lunch....ask him to jump the shower wirh you...I promise he will forget about his lunch.
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    Uh, I do it all the time! I don't wake up usually until about 9-10, get me & baby fed & dressed, at the gym until 12-1, then I have an hour or two to kill before baby's nap time. I usually justify staying in my workout clothes by staying active; either load baby up in the bike seat and take everyone down to the park, or I undertake some serious housecleaning or a home-improvement project or start some yardwork. Depending on how wrapped up in my "project" I get, I'll either hit the shower as soon as I lay the baby down for nap between 1&3 or I take advantage of the baby-free time and stay busy until just before the baby wakes up then hit the shower around 5pm or so :)

    I did notice initially some "athlete's acne" like where my sport bra straps are, but I also just restarted taking meds to keep it under control since I stopped nursing and bumped my dose until it vanished for the most part.

    Edited to add that after reading the other posts, yeah... the previous poster was right in that you'd be at higher risk for yeast infections than UTI (which have more to do with hydration, exposure to irritants in your diet like caffeine & alcohol, and irritation from certain sex positions). Yeastie beasties are also somewhat linked to diet, but you'll make yourself more prone if your clothing chaffes you down there and THEN you have the irritated skin in a moist bacteria-rich environment. For the most part our "ovens" are PERFECT at the self-cleaning function. I second, third, however many we are up to now on the post-workout baby wipe treatment (the newborn/sensitive kind for least chem exposure). I also use unscented pantiliners and swap those out as necessary (hehe, they help with jumping-jack er... "side effects" for mommies too ;)
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