Hi I am a newbie!

Hi all this site looks really good, I don't know how I got this far without it! I am confused about the calories though, do you have to use them all up? Even the extra ones you gain through exercise? I have finished eating for today but it's telling me I have 300 cals left ? How are you all getting on on here? Does it become obsessive? xx


  • suewongie
    suewongie Posts: 24
    Ive been here three weeks and yes im completely obsessed, but in a gud way. lol. I dont use all my calories, and lose weight. I dont know what other people do but i think not going over is the important bit. feel free to add me as a friend. Sue..
  • bethany1031
    bethany1031 Posts: 40 Member
    Welcome! I'm a newbie too! I was using another site on & off for a number of years, but this site has an AMAZING iPhone app - so I decided to switch & give it a whirl. So far loving it!
  • nsyl2350
    nsyl2350 Posts: 11
    Hey there I'm a newbie too, started three days ago. It's pretty simple. The calories are based on how many pounds you told the system you wanted to lose and it takes into acount your age, gender and goals and spits out how many you can eat in a day. If you exercise, it adds to that total. You don't have to eat all of your calories in a day but you should eat enough (over 1400 roughly) so your body doesn't think you are starving and shuts down its fat burning process. Example, for the past two days I've gone approx 800 calories under my goal. I've exercised enough to burn over 1000 calories each day, allowing me to consume more than originally recommended. This will increase the speed of my weight loss (from 2 - 4 lbs in a week) while still taking in enough calories each day so my body doesn't go into panic mode and hoard fat. Hopefully this is helpful and you keep up the effort. I've tried other calorie counting sites before but this is the first one I really like for its ease of use and thorough food database.

  • catmcnor
    catmcnor Posts: 5
    Thanks for the info, that makes more sense now, is it important to stay under allocated carbs, fats and proteins too? As sometimes using extra calories could keep you within calorie allowance but take you over the others?