
I am new to this site. My goal is to lose 60 lbs, befor my brothers wedding next year. The date of the wedding is not confermed yet; however, I have ben asked to be apart of the wedding party. I had a gastric by pass ten years ago, and lost over 100lbs. I moved here to Texas in 2008 and with a combination of the big servings, giving berth to two children and alowing old habits to re-surface like eating too fast, eating too much, eating when I get upset. I have gained 50lbs. My youngest is 10months old, and am tired of whairing maternaty clothing. The feelings I harbor about myself with this extra whait is affecting my relationship with my husband, and the relationship I have with myself. I am looking to change all of this, espeshaly how I feel about myself!


  • changeisgood55
    I need to lose about 60 pounds too. We both can do this and this is a great site for support. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like. Good luck!