Have you experienced rude comments during/after weight loss?



  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    Ive had all of those comments. From teachers, my mother, and others. I remember eating Thanksgiving years ago and my uncle said, how do you loose weight eating like THAT? WTF bro, it's ONE day! ahole, still bitter as you can see.

    oh girl- i've had THAT comment before.
    at dinner my dad looked at what i was eating (i dont remember what it was) and he said "Are you ALLOWED to eat that??" umm. excuse me but i am ALLOWED to eat what ever the hell i want. back off. LOL
  • SusanneWhittington
    SusanneWhittington Posts: 339 Member
    I noticed a huge difference in comments depending on where I am. When I lived in Germany I was called fat when my weight was 160 lbs wit 5'8", here in Louisiana I was called skin and bones when I was at 185 lbs...

    I am lucky that I have coworkers who say I am doing good, when I decline a cupcake, because I am going to have my splurge that day at lunch with a friend, they are motivating, my Dad tries to feed me with extra stuff because "there is no fun in life without eating", but makes rude comments about my oversized butt at the same time.

    Just filter, only let the good comments come through and ignore the others with the mental note 'not important enough to be remembered"
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    My friend's grandma asked how much I've lost. I told her, and her reply was "I didn't know you were that big". I don't think she meant it to be rude, but it definitely could have been worded better.
  • llangkilde
    llangkilde Posts: 10 Member
    I get this from a lot of My Clients. "You lost a lot of Weight, is it on Purpose or ?"
    However, Its always followed up with a " Good for you !!"
    I dont believe most People mean it as a Rudeness, but more an Expression of Concern, Which I find Heart Warming..
    People are afraid of Congratulating you, just in case your Sick. A little Like People are afraid of asking Pregnant Woman, when they are Due.. (Just in case they arent Pregnant, but just gained a lot)

    I dont Mind... I consider it a NSV that People actually Notice the effort you haev put in..
  • alynnbennett
    alynnbennett Posts: 182
    Jealousy is all that is!!!! Just tell them your happy with yourself and it doesn't matter what they think!!!
    They just wish they look the way you look!!! Hold your head high!!!
  • marquesajen
    marquesajen Posts: 641
    It's not happened to me (yet!) but my dad lost 60 pounds 3 years ago and has kept it off. Since he is a senior citizen, he's 73, he got it all the time by his friends. It made him so mad! His response was, "Where was your concern when I was fat?" That usually shut them up.

    That is the PERFECT response!
    People have had their perspective skewed so badly. It sounds like these people feel threatened by your hard work or feel bad about being out of shape themselves.

    Weight loss does not equal illness.
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    ALL THE TIME! I get "You are already too skinny"..."You live in the windy city, you might blow away if you keep this up"..."You eat like a bird" My diary is public, so you are welcome to snoop and see what I eat. LOL

    But my favorite isnt even a rude comment...at one point someone stole my Dove Dark Chocolate and put it in the kitchenette so everyone else could eat it.
  • silver330xi
    silver330xi Posts: 2 Member
    I've been dealing with this lately as well. And you know what? It HURTS. I am sorry that you are dealing with this. You do what you need to do, for YOU. We'll all be your positive reinforcements here at MFP. :-)

    Also, where were these caring people when we weren't eating so healthy and caring about ourweight? That's how I look at it anyways. No one cared when I was shoveling potato chips and Doritos and ice cream in, but they all of a sudden care now that I'm eating healthy?
  • Angela_MA
    Angela_MA Posts: 260
    "Wow you look like you have put on some weight!" This is after I lost 20+ pounds...that one hurt me! This prson knew I was changing my lifestyle, so it hurt even more. Hubby told me they were just jealous of my sexy new body! Gotta love the hubby! :heart: :love:
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    I get that a lot too. I think the biggest problem is that most people nowadays have a distorted idea of what HEALTHY weight is.

    I say, keep up the great work and don't let those people get to you. If possible, maybe even educate them as to what's "healthy".

    This is the first problem ^. The second is that people don't like to think you are successful because it makes them feel less so. I get this all the time. It's discouraging. But it's them, not you! I gave blood yesterday and the woman doing it was prompting me to eat and looking at me disaprovingly. At the same time telling me about her prior job of selling very expensive weight loss stuff, and how she eats plenty of fruits, vegetables, and protein at work, so only eats "a little thing" of yogurt at home.

    When I was overweight and said I need to lose weight people said "where!" and if I said I lost a few pounds they would look at me shocked and say "you dont need to lose weight". I was in the Obese BMI and felt awful, plus was so out of shape i had chest pain just going upstairs. Having lost weight they say Whaaaat? "You look fine! where did you lose it?" My family, the last time I lost this much were all telling me I looked anorexic and to stop it. My Brother said he could see around my mouth like I was anorexic. How would they know? They only know what padding looks like. I'm nearly in the middle of my BMI for my height, age, and sex. The BMI is only one little tool, but most things I have read points me to this, as well as how I feel and look. Don't even expect people to understand why you like whole foods better than junk food when you are "there". They can't imagine how bad they feel and how much better you feel and "real" food tastes.

    People won't like you when you are fat. People won't like you when you are skinny. So the real reason is not to do this to become skinny and drop all your imagined problems, it's still you inside there. Do it for you and how you are going to feel! Which is terrific!
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    It's not happened to me (yet!) but my dad lost 60 pounds 3 years ago and has kept it off. Since he is a senior citizen, he's 73, he got it all the time by his friends. It made him so mad! His response was, "Where was your concern when I was fat?" That usually shut them up.

    ^ yeah! Not one person looked at me shocked and asked me why I was fat and eating like crap.
  • BonitaAppleBomb87
    Wow that is just crazy !! I have had people say the same things to me , and I pay those haters no mind.. People tend to get jealous when they see someone else succeed in something they wish they had the motivation to do.
  • TonyaJ83
    TonyaJ83 Posts: 155
    Last go around when I went from a size 13 down to a 9 my dad says if I lose any more weight I'd blow away....I'm 5' and currently back in a size 13 and 154 lbs. I should be around 110 in a size 3-5......Also I got strange looks from people I knew. Like they worried I was on drugs or something. LOL! Whatever! We'll see what I get this time :)
  • dointime
    dointime Posts: 103 Member
    It's not happened to me (yet!) but my dad lost 60 pounds 3 years ago and has kept it off. Since he is a senior citizen, he's 73, he got it all the time by his friends. It made him so mad! His response was, "Where was your concern when I was fat?" That usually shut them up.

    I think that's a great line!!!
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I told my grandma I'd like to get down to 120 or 125. She tells me I'm "big boned" and that would be unhealthy. Hello? I'm 5'2", 170lbs and there's no proof that I'm "big-boned." Every single person in my family has been skinny (and short) at some point in their life.

    My coworker told me that I didn't need to lose any weight and then preceded to tell me about how she had an eating disorder in college. I just answered back telling her about MFP and how I'm doing it healthy by going slow and eating all the nutrients my body needs.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    A lot of it is probably shock, especially if you're losing quickly. Plus there's all this media hype about size zero, starvation mode, if you lose more than a 50th of a pound a month you're losing too fast and you have an eating disorder- we're in a no win situation, where it's seen sooooo unhealthy to be overweight, but also being seen as unhealthy when we lose weight!
  • HelloKittyRx
    When I lost weight before and I looked good, people in my family were asking other members if I was anorexic or something. I'm like what the heck. I finally lose some weight, and I still had like 10 lbs that I wanted to lose, and that would still put me at a healthy weight. I don't know, some people just always have to find something to talk about or find something negative to say about someone. I think it is just because they have insecurities of their own, so they point out anything they can find in someone else and say something bad about it. : /