Wedding in 2 weeks.... need to SHRED.

So... getting married in 2 weeks. Since before I started on MFP I have lost 55 pounds. I am happy with my shape, and I think I can see some muscles, but anyone have any ideas on shredding quickly in the next 2 weeks? I would like to see more veins and tighter skin. This is a long shot I know..... and I am experienced in weight lifting, so if I don't already know how to do this....then maybe it can't be done.

Here is a recent pic to help with any problem areas you might find. Thanks in advance. And, I LOVE MFP.



  • ciege77
    ciege77 Posts: 60
    I'd keep watching your calories and perhaps you could lose an other 5 pounds or so in 2 weeks. Also, keep a close eye on your sodium intake and try to keep it on the low end of the spectrum, as it facilitates your body retaining water.

    Other than that, you can't spot-train problem areas, so just give some solid cardio and weight-lifting and hopefully that will assist in giving your metabolism that extra boost.
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    Dude...You look great and I am secure enough in my manhood to say so. The only shredding you need to do is to get rid of the thought that you need work. You need to be saving all your energy for bachelor party and honeymoon anyway. I am sure your future bride is happy with you and a little time to get your tear ducts in order is what you need to take now....Congradulations on taking the plunge. Life as you know it is about to be over soon. Good luck.