Calorie counters

Do you prefer the calorie counter you wear on your arm or are you just as happy with the one you wear on your belt? I have the one you wear on your belt but I do not think I am getting a true calorie count. I am thinking about getting the one you wear on your arm. Any advise on which I should go with? Or advise on one being better then another?


  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    Are you talking about a BodyMedia type device?
  • changeisgood55
    I've tried the Body Bugg and was doing really well wearing it. I read that some people broke out from the chemical that is in it and touches your skin all day. I was worried I would break out but that didn't happen. Instead it looked like it burned my arm. It was hurting my arm so i took it off and found a burn like mark on my arm. It healed after several days but I never tried the Body Bugg again. But it did help and it does work.
    MOMSHOME Posts: 72
    Are you talking about a BodyMedia type device?

    I'm talking about something that will do heart rate and count calories too. Not real sure. I have glanced at them in the store but not really looked at them and was not sure about any of them. I saw one like a watch but did not really know what it did. Then I saw one that goes around your arm. (figured that was like the ones they use on biggest looser or something)
  • VaBeachNurse
    I have a Polar FT7, I LOVE it!
  • VaBeachNurse
    I have a Polar FT7, I LOVE it!
    MOMSHOME Posts: 72
    I have a Polar FT7, I LOVE it!

    Is that one that goes around you arm? What all does it do. I am not sure about any of them so I need some kind of idea what I should look for in one. And if you do not mind, why do you love it? what is so special about it?
    MOMSHOME Posts: 72
    Never mind, I looked it up. Thanks!!
  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    If you want one to wear all the time go with BodyMedia (haven't tried it but many people swear by it). It is similar to a BodyBugg. If it's only for exercise get a heart rate monitor (HRM). The best and most accurate ones have a chest strap and a watch. I prefer the idea of a HRM. Buy a quality one. They last longer. My Polar and Garmin have both lasted for many years. I had a Timex and after a year it was dead.

    Good luck.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    The one that you wear around you're arm is a Bodybugg(or Body Media Fit). Those can be worn all the time, and generally have a monthly fee in order to use to them, I believe.

    An HRM you wear a watch around your wrist, with a strap around your chest. It's imperative that if you go the HRM route, that you have a chest strap. Otherwise the calorie count won't be accurate.

    I personally have the Polar FT7 too, and I really like it. Easy to use/set up and the chest strap is really comfortable.
    MOMSHOME Posts: 72
    Thanks you all! Your info helps!!