30DS with HRM = Disappointment.



  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    Outside of the warmup/cooldown, it's only like 20 minutes, right? Just under 200 calories for 20 minutes of work at your weight seems pretty decent to me.
  • cluitjens
    cluitjens Posts: 15 Member
    Don't give up! You really will see an improvement in muscle tone and strength. I am on Level 2 Day 9 and while I have not lost any weight, I do see and feel my body getting stronger.

    I am 5'6" and 147 and you actually burned a bit more than what I burn each time. I know it was a big disappointment to me to see how few calories I burned, especially as when I run/jog I can burn between 400-500 calories for about 40 minutes. So I am continuing to run 5 days a week.

    I haven't done my measurements yet, but I heard some people say that they really saw a difference when they did level 3.

    So hang in there, we can do this! If you need a friend you can add me.
  • QueenHanifa
    QueenHanifa Posts: 180 Member
    5'3 using a polarf4 always burn 188-200 on both level 1 and 2...finishing up level 2 tomorrow and seeing great results..don't worry about the burn
  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    but then again it's only 27 minutes

    Not to be off-topic, but that kills me! It's supposed to be a *20* minute workout, not nearly 30 (especially after you sit throguh that annoying opening speech you can't fast forward through...)!!! She says, "1 min warm-up, 3 min strength, 2 mins cardio, 1 min abs (3+2+1=6), three times, 1 min cool down". 1+(6*3)+1...that should equal 20!!!

    I mean, it's fine. A 20 minute workout is a bit short, anyway. But one time I had literally 35 minutes before I had to leave and I plugged in the DVD, thinking, "20 min workout, 5 min shower, 10 mins to get ready - I should be fine, right?!?" That was the day I discovered it wasn't actually 20 minutes...

    Ok, rant over =)
  • cluitjens
    cluitjens Posts: 15 Member
    but then again it's only 27 minutes

    Not to be off-topic, but that kills me! It's supposed to be a *20* minute workout, not nearly 30 (especially after you sit throguh that annoying opening speech you can't fast forward through...)!!! She says, "1 min warm-up, 3 min strength, 2 mins cardio, 1 min abs (3+2+1=6), three times, 1 min cool down". 1+(6*3)+1...that should equal 20!!!

    I mean, it's fine. A 20 minute workout is a bit short, anyway. But one time I had literally 35 minutes before I had to leave and I plugged in the DVD, thinking, "20 min workout, 5 min shower, 10 mins to get ready - I should be fine, right?!?" That was the day I discovered it wasn't actually 20 minutes...

    Ok, rant over =)
  • cluitjens
    cluitjens Posts: 15 Member

    I found that if I stop the DVD just before the level ends, and turn the dvd player off, that when I go to play it the next day, it will start back up at the very end of level. Then I can just select the level again and I don't have to listen to the intro all over again. Hope that helps and that it will save you some time.
  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member

    I found that if I stop the DVD just before the level ends, and turn the dvd player off, that when I go to play it the next day, it will start back up at the very end of level. Then I can just select the level again and I don't have to listen to the intro all over again. Hope that helps and that it will save you some time.

    I found this out too and it makes my day when we can do that! But unfortunately we watch a lot of DVDs in our house (also usually do two workout DVDs per day), so we always have to eject the 30DS dvd and cancel out the magical no intro effect. =(

    Thanks for responding to my rant and helping, though! =)
  • midwesthiker
    midwesthiker Posts: 144
    I burned about 200. Although I didn't lose any pounds when doing it, I lost inches and a pants size. Well worth it to me. I am doing the ripped in 30 now, and that is the same amount of time. I make sure to do something else - walking on the treadmill, mowing the lawn, etc to get in a little more workout.