I can't eat all these calories. Help!

So I realized that I haven't had as big of an appetite lately. It seems like I'm eating all the time though and still can't eat my calorie minimum. I eat a ton of fruits and vegetables as well as high fiber and protein foods. I don't want to end each day with the amount of calories I still have left because it ends up being way too low. I would end up gaining weight from my body going into starvation mode.

Today was bad. I had 558 calories after dinner and was stuffed. I waited a while and still was still pretty full but I didn't want to go to bed with that many calories left. I ended up eating junk just so that I could have less calories left. This is not something I want to do in the future though.

What are ways to consume calories with healthy way without eating a big heaping plate of veggies or fruit - especially if you aren't that hungry in the first place but need to consume them? My mom suggested that I eat nuts, but I've got some weird allergy where I can't eat nuts raw. They make my throat itch. I can eat them as a butter or any other way. Anyway, I just want some suggestions as several different options. I get pretty bored of the same thing.


  • mnsmith83
    mnsmith83 Posts: 128
    A couple tablespoons of peanut butter will give you 200 cals, or a few slices of cheese. Ooh, cheese and peanut butter together is a pretty good combo...add a sliced up apple and you have a filling, sweet, healthy, high calorie snack!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I like a glass of chocolate milk at bedtime. About 160 calories for 8oz lowfat chocolate milk, and it's as yummy as a dessert.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Plan your meals for the day so you are getting more calories in breakfast, lunch and snacks, then you won't be stuck trying to eat them all at the end of the day.
    Higher calorie, healthy options that are easy to sneak in: full fat yoghurt, cheese clices or sticks, peanut butter on wholegrain bread, hommus and crackers/veggies, avocado, tuna mixed with avocado spread on crackers, olive oil dressing on your salads..... it just takes a bit of planning.
  • 4KidFather
    4KidFather Posts: 134
    Forget the calories? You said you felt great so what exactly is the problem? Are you clinically ill and underweight? If not continue eating real food. Never eat TOXIC junk, especially to boost calories. Too bad about the nuts, what about seeds? Heck even bacon or some fatty fish - excellent fat profile.
    Look up the 'starvation mode' thing - you may be surprised. See my profile pics I was lean and instarvation mode but it's not what most people assume it is.
    Eat food :)
  • PositiveGoals
    Careful....if you drop under 700 calories, your body goes into starvation mode and starts to store fat. Try having a Protein shake for breakfast. That's usually between 200-300 calories. Throw in another protein bar at some point if your calories are still too low. You can have an ounce of almonds, that's pretty light, and has a 150 calories. You can get them with salt, with cinnimon, with cocoa. So it can help with cravings. There are lots of light, heatlhy foods with calories. String cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt etc. Good luck to ya.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Forget the low fat and light things you're eating and add full fat milk, yogurt, cheese and mayo to your diet instead. You'll be eating the same amount of food but getting more calories. Fat is not the enemy. :)
  • amandarenee31
    amandarenee31 Posts: 54 Member
    Thank you everyone! I agree that I need to plan my meals out better. I think I need to work a few of the things listed into each meal so that I don't have to eat late at night. That's the worst because then my body doesn't have enough time to digest everything before I go to sleep. If I plan stuff out, I will be less likely to cave into the unhealthy cravings I may get.