Does anyone feel that their "Target Range" is too low of a w



  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    I'm 5'5" and it tells me that my ideal weight is about 115. I got down to 125 once and I looked emaciated! And that was without ever working out, so I had no muscle and I still looked terrible. My goal weight is 15 pounds heavier than the "ideal." I'm not a super bulky person, but I do have an athletic build. Either way, I'm still 5 pounds away from my goal weight and I'm looking pretty good, if I do say so myself! Don't let a computer tell you what you should weigh, you have a mirror and can tell how your clothes are fitting. Good luck!!

    she's talking about bmi.... at 5ft5 115 is at the really low end of bmi 19.1 so your highest end of the bmi would be 149-150 and thats the 141 she is talking about for being 5ft3 :)
  • uberlaut
    uberlaut Posts: 44
    The medical community says a healthy body fat percentage is between 19-24%. You can use a calculator such as this one to estimate your body fat percentage.

    When I reach my goal, I will probably still be "obese" by the BMI scale, but as long as my body-fat is under 24%...I don't care.

    BMI says I should weigh 110-150. My goal is 180 (I currently weigh 185, and my top weight was 312).