Way to screw it up the night before weigh-in!

I give myself these excuses to eat (like I've been doing well or whatnot), and afterwards, I feel awful.

Today I went to a seafood buffet. Had two plates full of food and a lot of ice cream, too. I don't know how many calories that is, I just put in around 2600 cal for that one meal.

It's been hours and I still feel sick. I think I'm going to throw up, but I am trying not to because I've thrown up on purpose/emotionally before and I don't want to go down that path again.

I'm doing the 10lb in July Challenge, and I started the month at 169lb. The first week's weigh-in, I was 166.3. Tonight, I weigh around 171lb! I know I'll be lower by morning when I weigh but there's no way I'll be around or lower than 166lb. I was down to as low as 164.4lb this week, so I feel pretty awful.

When I was eating, I was telling myself I was doing fine and that one cheat meal is fine. I even planned a lot of it out ahead of time during the day. But of course as soon as I'm done eating, I feel awful.



  • You will feel guilty and you won't be able to move on and get over it without the shame. That's normal, although you won't get anywhere by punishing yourself. Have a light breakfast, drink lots of water tomorrow, and exercise a bit extra. It will be alot easier to stay on track if you start over and forgive yourself, without being too harsh!
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    you will be fine lady. DONT WEIGH YOURSELF TOMORROW. Just dont. It seems like it makes you feel bad, so don't do it. Give yourself a break. You will be back on track tomorrow. You're fine <3
  • We have all done that before! Dont beat yourself up about it ok! I used to do it too often and found that remembering how you feel now you will think twice about a blow out next time. It might taste good now - but the feeling of guilt after are not worth it for me.
  • 2ht2hand1e
    2ht2hand1e Posts: 116 Member
    If you have had similar experiences to mine, you may have been in this situation a few times...ok many times in my case. My magic cure seems to be telling myself that If I throw up, I will be continuing to repeat behaviors that have held me back from making the lifestyle changes I want to make, and really for my happiness. My past behaviors of putting myself down, convincing myself that I must be sick from eating too much, therefor, it is ok to throw up, kept me wondering if I could ever fill the void I felt with food....Unless, I tried something different and kept the calories in me. I decided to trust that if I keep logging and making mistakes, and learning from them, it will work for me...Maybe I will not be happy with the scale tomorrow, but I can make specific plans for the next time I am in a similar experience.

    Your experience sounds like a great learning opportunity...Maybe like the burn you feel during a really tough workout...If you keep with it, you will get results...I avoid buffets because they are my biggest weakness. Maybe next week plan your cheat meal at a restaurant and order one meal. If you feel guilty, schedule an extra workout for the morning. It takes time and trial and error, and sometimes 50 more trials and errors. Keep logging!!!!

    I wish you patience and love for yourself on your journey towards making yourself healthier :).
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    Don't worry you will be fine... This is a long journey and you will slip up once in a while. As someone above already said, drink loads of water, exercise more tomorrow and day after. You will ab absolutely fine :flowerforyou:
  • helloclaire
    helloclaire Posts: 191
    Thanks guys. The buffet wasn't my idea, although I was all for it - I was a part of a group and we had to pay, so I guess we all ate what we paid for. :/

    Hopefully it won't be too horrible. I've lived my whole life making bad decisions for my health, and I guess one day is not going to destroy me now as long as I'm generally heading in the right direction.

    Thanks guys!