4 Week Challenge starts today!! (7/15/11)



  • robynham84
    robynham84 Posts: 77 Member
    Im in!!! My current weight is 188 and my goal for the 4 weeks is 8 lbs. Thanks for starting this!!!!
  • mmiiaa
    mmiiaa Posts: 171 Member
    I'm in. My goal is to lose 10 pounds. (:
  • trispire
    trispire Posts: 70
    Ok guys, so glad so many are joining! But I think we should close the group now. I want to be sure we are accountable, and people are more accountable if they connect to other people and if we have any more challengers it will be hard to keep track of everyone! :)

    So, I'm going to start a new thread named 4 Week Challenge 7/15-8/12 (CLOSED), please start posting there. Thanks!!
  • spiceshirl
    spiceshirl Posts: 177
    Hey all,

    I'm looking for motivated challengers to join me on a 4 week challenge that begins today.

    The plan is to bootcamp our butts for the next 4 weeks. Stay within your calorie range and workout 6 days a week! This challenge will run to August 12th (Friday). That Friday will be our final weigh in!

    Track what you eat everyday - every bite!
    Workout 6 days a week (whatever you like - I'm doing Turbofire!)
    Check in for accountability
    Create a goal and a non-food reward for reaching it in the 4 weeks.

    I want everyone to be able to tailor this to what will challenge them, so that is all! I could say we will start tommorow or Monday or some other day in the future, but why not start right now?! It's only 4 weeks! You can make this week for 4 weeks. I have plans out of town and all sorts of "barriers" but you can still track calories when you're out of town and you can always go for a walk if there is no other feasible workout, so come on, let's do this!

    My goal is to lose 10 pounds.

    Who is with me?!

    Thanks for posting!!

    I' m in!!
    Please feel free to add me as a friend so that you know that i am logging in everyday. my diary is open.

    My Goal is to loose 19lbs by Augus 15th!!
    My reward still thinking:indifferent: !! WILL UPDATE LATER
    The six days a week workout am on it can do it!
  • MoniRae
    MoniRae Posts: 2
    Count me in too! MoniRae, I'm IroncladBRX's wife (he's also doing this) and we're going to the beach in 4 weeks so this is perfect timing.

    My goal is at least another 5lbs lost before then.
  • spiceshirl
    spiceshirl Posts: 177
    So far 1bs gone 181bs to go by August!! am counting down Peeps!!