Under Calories Too Much?

I haven't been finishing my calories lately. I'm not doing it on purpose but I measure out all my meals and sometimes I'm just under. Well I gained a pound today after being the same weight the last 2 days so I'm wondering if it's because I'm not finishing my calories. Do I need to make better effort to finish my calories? I workout most days too so maybe my body isn't getting enough energy. What do you think?


  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Yup, you definitely need to eat more...if you don't fuel your body, especially when you're active, it will hold on to the calorie and fat stores. Follow the guidelines set by MFP, eat at least half of your exercise calories back (more if you calculate them using a heart rate monitor) and make sure you're getting all your water too. Good luck!
  • missxlaur
    missxlaur Posts: 286
    Agreed! If you don't eat your calories, your body goes into starvation mode where it holds on to everything you end up eating. I know it sounds silly because you're not actually starving yourself, but when you eat too few calories your body sometimes thinks so :)
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I haven't been finishing my calories lately. I'm not doing it on purpose but I measure out all my meals and sometimes I'm just under. Well I gained a pound today after being the same weight the last 2 days so I'm wondering if it's because I'm not finishing my calories. Do I need to make better effort to finish my calories? I workout most days too so maybe my body isn't getting enough energy. What do you think?

    The less you have to lose the more important it becomes to eat all of your calories. With less than 15 lbs to go your weekly goal should be to lose 0.5 lbs/week and, if you calculate calories burned correctly, you should eat all of your exercise calories as well.

    Failing to do this will cause you to burn a large % of lean muscle instead of fat, which will slow your metabolism down. Not to mention doing the above will make it easier to transition into maintenance when you get to your goal.
  • kbrown761
    kbrown761 Posts: 4 Member
    What do I think? I think it has everything to do with calorie intake. You need to feed your body! It's the key to keeping your metabolism working at it's peak. When you cut your calorie/food:smile: intake significantly your body holds on to it, not knowing when it's next meal may come. In my experience with weight loss, and trust me I have a lot...I lose much better when I'm eating healthy, feeding my body and drinking plenty of water. Good luck.
  • kslindner
    kslindner Posts: 107
    I have the same problem... I'm ALWAYS under my calorie goal and I work out... I eat til I feel full and usually that's not enough to keep up with my calorie goal set by MFP... I even drink TWO protein shakes a day with a banana and yogurt in it... Sigh. How can I eat if I'm not hungry?!
  • CristlNothem
    CristlNothem Posts: 54 Member
    I have the same problem. I have found that i am trying so hard to hit 1200 (my daily goal is 1400 and i usually burn 600 in working out) that when i calculate dinner and find i am way under i tend to eat anything later at night to get the calories.. needless to say food late at night isnt so good. Just work on hitting a number where it doesnt say you are starving yourself. Good luck!!!
  • SarahLovesCheesecake
    How can I eat if I'm not hungry?!

    Unfortunately, Im the master of eating when not hungry.....
  • Kerseygeek
    Kerseygeek Posts: 225
    Thanks for the replies. I don't usually have a hard time eating if I'm not really hungry but being on a diet makes me more conscious of extra eating. My problem is that I eat a decent breakfast and fairly light lunch so that I'm sure I can eat the dinner I make for the family. I've been making some well balanced meals and measuring everything for servings but then without trying I end up not eating all my calories. When I workout it's worse. I thought the consensus was not to eat your exercise calories. Am I wrong about that? I do use some on some days but sometimes not. Last weekend I ate more of what I wanted, sparingly not all weekend, and I lost 2lbs. So that was the reason for this post.
  • sassykdub
    sassykdub Posts: 3
    I am way under too and not burning as many calories by exercise that others are- so am I just going to stay at the same weight?
    I really have to eat more to lose weight? That just seems wrong. Help.
  • Kerseygeek
    Kerseygeek Posts: 225
    Well I do know that your body needs fuel. When you eat healthy you'll tend to eat more of it cuz it will have less calories and good stuff than the bad food. Ex: 1cup of broccoli versus 1cup of french fries. Plus once you've gotten your metabolism up you need to feed it to keep it up. It's a burning fat machine and your body needs the good stuff to work properly and keep up it's burning pace. My dinners I think are good but I guess I'm not eating enough the rest of the day. When I work out I burn on average 400 calories so I burn off quite a bit of what I've already taken in. But trying to be careful I won't eat more and then have too many calories left over. It's like the balancing act of spinning plates on sticks. I'm still trying to figure it out.