Coach K’s simple 30 minute workout plan!

Working out should be like the dating. In most cases dates are simple, not too long in duration, and there aren’t too many expectations. When we experience a great date we tend to set up a time for another before the date is over.
Your workout should be just like the date described above… simple, not too long in duration, and doesn’t have too many expectations from it. Thirty minutes is ample time to complete a workout for the average person. Also, the workout should leave you satisfied and looking forward to do it again.

Here are the steps to my simple workout plan:
Step 1: Grab a pen and paper and choose 5 body parts to target.
Step 2: Use the internet to find 2 exercises that target the areas chosen from step 1.
Step 3: Number the exercises from 1-10 (start with the most difficult to easiest)
Step 4: Perform 1 minute of each exercise. Perform each in order. Complete 3 rounds of it. (30 minutes)

Note* - To burn calories do not worry about reps. Set a goal to move for the full minute and adjust the exercise so you are able to make this happen.

Make sure to change up workout routines and locations. I am sure you would hate repeat the same date over and over again no matter how much fun it was, right?

P.s. Keep and eye on my blog for more simple workouts and tips!


  • GLLove
    GLLove Posts: 77
    awesome post!
  • cynfullcyn
    cynfullcyn Posts: 81 Member
    i like my dates at 5:30am!
  • Jaradel
    Jaradel Posts: 143 Member
    Heh, when you said "Coach K" in the title, I thought this was going to be a workout plan from the Duke men's basketball coach ;)

    Not to discount what you posted, mind... sounds like a good plan!
  • keinanbriggs
    thank you
  • keinanbriggs
    haha oops sorry to let you down :)