first day

hi everyone. a good friend of mine introduced me to MFP when i was moaning about my recent weight gain. this is my first day and its going well so far, but then i havent reached the after dinner munchies yet lol. seems to be plenty support on here so looking forward to the new healthier living and getting back to my old self again. BMI is far too high and looking forward to having a normal one again. good luck to all the other newbies like me that are just starting out and well done to all those who are managing the 'eat less, move more' lifestyle that we all seek.


  • Welcome aboard, you've come to the right place! <3 christina
  • vetsnatural
    vetsnatural Posts: 186 Member
    Welcome.. and not the eat less and move more but just make better Food Decisions and Move More....LOL. Alot of us find that we need to eat More and more often of the Right Foods than Less food, especially poor choices. I am here on this Journey with you as well and here to motivate and support and also LEARN. There are alot of folks who know Good Nutrition, Training, Fitness and general Health on MFP, so feel free to Add me as a friend as well as Ask questions on the Community Forums! Welcome!