Do you treat yourself for loss'?

I've always tended to have a bit of a binge on weigh in day if i've lost weight to sort of 'treat' myself...

Seems a bit backward when I think about it, seeing as the ultimate goal and treat is losing weight in itself.... i've read some things about it being good as it sort of shakes/wakes up your metabolism, but also that it can have a negative impact?



  • kimjoan
    kimjoan Posts: 192 Member
    I also treat myself but not with food. Every 10 pounds I get a purse, shoes, etc. Treating myself with food reinforces the use of food as a reward vs something I need to do to live.
  • Mrs_TrimWaistFatWallet
    I go through long plateaus (3 weeks) then sudden drops (3-6 lbs). At the point I see a drop, I'm just so happy to see downward movement that I usually don't have a treat or even a reward. Just constant improvement and a new top/dress every now and then is a reward in itself. I wouldn't want to ruin it with a binge per se, but a treat meal that still allows you to stay within your weekly goals is ok.
  • calimari
    calimari Posts: 202 Member
    I would rather treat myself with something other than food - why reinforce the food as reward idea? Treat myself to a pedicure, a fun outting, maybe if it's food go out for a frozen yogurt treat, an afternoon relaxing on the beach, a new book or DVD or or music CD...
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    I do, but thats because I am trying to maintain and don't want to lose anymore weight. I will say that when I was trying to lose weight, I only had 2 cheat days during the whole time. So I got to goal weight in 2 months. Its been about a month and a half of maintaining and I have had 5 cheat days. Today is actually a cheat day.
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    I also treat myself but not with food. Every 10 pounds I get a purse, shoes, etc. Treating myself with food reinforces the use of food as a reward vs something I need to do to live.
    ditto for me! No need to reward myself with food... :noway: that's what got many of us to MFP!

    I also reward myself at mini goals but often times it's things I need anyway but it's still fun to know it's OK to pick them up then. I needed some new pots & pans and at a certain goal I picked up a set I'd been eyeing... Fun to cook again and they are so purty!!:bigsmile:
  • felinasbeads
    felinasbeads Posts: 75 Member
    I can't say I "treat" myself for a loss although at first that was the plan. When I have a lower calorie day, usually once a week, I'll go and have something "naughty". Like over the weekend I indulged in cupcakes (yes plural cause I had 2), but I also hadn't eaten enough on Saturday because we had a party and I was busy. I didn't feel so guilty. When I'm at a high calorie day and I've worked out but I don't have any room to spare, I restrain myself. Now about weight loss goals, I said I would get my hair cut when I lost 20 lbs. Well I looked in the mirror and said no, lets wait until we lose 50. Now my hair is long so getting it cut is going to be amazing because it is so hot out, so I'm motivated.

    My other treat, when I get to 199, is going to be to buy myself a new bike, and then there is the new wardrobe as we go down sizes. So it's kind of a constant rewards as I go, but then again I started at 230 and want to be 150 so I have a long way to go. My rewards get pushed back as I get closer to my goals because it helps me keep pushing myself. I have 2 brand new credit cards at 2 clothing stores near me. I have them locked up until I get to 150. :)

    Now that I've babbled enough, I personally wouldn't treat with food. Nothing good comes out of it. Incorporate your "treats" into your days, maybe once a week?
  • reinventingandrea
    I also treat myself but not with food. Every 10 pounds I get a purse, shoes, etc. Treating myself with food reinforces the use of food as a reward vs something I need to do to live.

    I do the same thing. At first I was treating myself with food but then it just seemed to not make sense. Now I treat myself with shoes, a new purse, going to the salon, etc.
  • fab50G
    fab50G Posts: 384 Member
    I usually reward myself with something other than food - mani/pedi, new workout clothes, etc. - but I do "treat" myself every now and then and I do think it shakes up the metabolism a bit. But, I really have to watch myself. For me, one binge could easily will lead to another and another....
  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    Not here -
    A loss always inspires me to eat better, not worse. I want to keep the ball rolling :-)
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Losing weight makes me want to eat BETTER so I can lose again next week. I've lost 2 weeks in a row now and do not want to give that up! I want to keep losing. I might treat myself to a low-calorie snack or something but I don't binge. I don't want to weigh in a couple days (even just to see how I'm doing) and see a water-weight increase or something like that. I bought some natural fruit bars the other day and I'll definitely have one today for the 3rd day in a row. 80 cals, delicious and TOTALLY make up for the 100+ degree weather in Texas I'm experiencing!
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    Silly as it may sound, for me, the loss IS the treat. I am so thrilled when the scale is kind to me, it's like an amazing gift.

  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    I've always tended to have a bit of a binge on weigh in day if i've lost weight to sort of 'treat' myself...

    Seems a bit backward when I think about it, seeing as the ultimate goal and treat is losing weight in itself.... i've read some things about it being good as it sort of shakes/wakes up your metabolism, but also that it can have a negative impact?


    I confess to being guilty of this !!!

    Although I try to keep my reward as a treat (a few glasses of wine or a portion of dessert) as opposed to a complete blow out.
  • lavarockkid
    I dont treat myself, i run around the house cheering, I worked too hard to loose the weight to celebrate with extra food.
  • Fifi1977
    Fifi1977 Posts: 3
    To me treating yourself with food is defeating the whole object!!
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    To me treating yourself with food is defeating the whole object!!

    Indeed BUT sometimes mentally you do need a little treat here and there.

    In the past 6 weeks I have only lost twice (not gained on the other 4 weeks though) so it's been pretty hard going for me.

    Tonight I am out for dinner. I have taken extra exercise today and have about 800 cals to play with - so I will treat myself to a glass or two of wine.

    I may even be over my cals but only by a few 100 and then tomorrow I'll be back to 1200 plus execise cals.

    I don't advocate this to everyone but the occasional treat really lifts my spirits - and surely it's most sensible to have a treat when I have 6 days to work it off so to speak?

    As I say as long as it is a treat and not a whole weekend of binging!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I agree with others, seeing the numbers on the scale get smaller is really satisfying for me and my treat.